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Archive for the 'Working in Japan' Category

The Top 25

Hello Readers! It is with excitement and sadness that I've made it through SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese and JapanesePod101.com survival phrases! I'm excited that I've completed all of the lessons and have learned a ton of Japanese in the process, yet I'm sad that this is the end of the line for my survival phrase blogs. It's been a rapid pace, perhaps faster than what I would have done otherwise, but I was excited to get these blogs out to you, the readers, so I worked hard to learn and reflect, to help you out and keep you more informed. I hope you've enjoyed reading along as much as I've enjoyed sharing my experience with you. If nothing else, hopefully you learned something about Japanese culture that you hadn't known before. ... Show more

Staying Healthy in Tokyo

Hi Readers! I'm nearing the end of my survival phrase Japanese training. Today I did lessons 46-50 on SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese, and 32 and 33 on JapanesePod101.com survival phrases. A lot of today's lessons dealt with allergies and being sick. I can speak about a few things related to this. These photos were taken at Tokyo Disney Sea. It poured all day! With weather like this, it's important to try to keep from getting sick! Fortunately, I have not been sick in Japan to the point that I have needed to take any drugs (prescription or over-the-counter), so I cannot tell you about any experiences spent in a doctor's office or pharmacy. I can however say something that has interested me and the group I've traveled here... Show more

No Meat?

Thanks for stopping by again readers! Today I did lessons 44 and 45 from SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese and lessons 46 and 47 from JapanesePod101.com survival phrases. The JapanesePod101 lessons dealt mainly with currency exchange. Since, I've already written a blog talking about money here in Japan, instead I'm going to blog with reference to the SurvivalPhrases lessons. They dealt with eating habits. This photo is of two guys in my group eating Korean food. In this setting, everything was cooked in the pot in front of them. This is one example of the many varieties of ways to eat the different foods here in Tokyo. In Japan, fish and meat are staple items in the diet. This is no different than in most countries, but in the... Show more

A Development for the Future

Konichiwa Readers! Today I did a bunch of lessons from JapanesePod101.com survival phrases and SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese. Respectively, lessons covered 41-45 and lessons 39-43. The lessons while teaching new phrases and words, covered much of the same areas I've already blogged on (restaurants, shopping, etc.). One of the lessons that was different however was one about going to the movie theater. At the top is a photo of Mori Tower, the center structure of the Roppongi Hills development. Below is an area on the observation deck, floor 53, of Mori Tower. The seats are able to detect how close you're sitting to the person next to you. The closer, the warmer the color. The further away, the cooler the color. They really... Show more

“Nikai te wo Tataite”

Hello fellow JapanesePod101.com Users! Today's title means, "clap your hands twice!" (thanks for your help with that Ben!) This is a reference to practices performed at a Buddhist jinja, or shrine. This should give you a hint for today's topic. At the top is a photo of one of the many shrines found in Ueno Park. Below is a photo of the Meiji Shrine. The Honden is visible just through the large entryway. I did quite a few podcasts this morning! Covered in JapanesePod101.com's Survival Phrases were lessons 37-40 and in SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese I covered lessons 35-38. While these podcasts touched on many subjects, the one I'm going to address today is shrines. Here in Tokyo, there are shrines and temples... Show more

Love of the Game

Hey Bloggers! Today, I listened to podcasts 34 and 35 from JapanesePod101.com Survival Phrases. I followed it up with lessons 33 and 34 from SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese. In today's blog, I'm going to touch on two different things, as the lessons were a bit scattered and touched on different things themselves. The first thing to address is taking photographs. A couple weekends ago, I went to Ueno, an area of Tokyo full of museums, shrines, parks, and even a zoo. It's more of a traditional area, but it's lovely and a lot of fun. Walking along the sidewalk, there were huge hydrangeas in full bloom. It was gorgeous! This is a photograph of the Hydrangeas I was talking about. How perfect are they?! I was there with one of... Show more

An Intern’s First Camtasia Video

Hi Everyone, Today, I'm doing something a little bit different than usual. I've made a Camtasia video instead of my usual written blogs. Just press play! I should probably mention that this is not my best work. It was my first time ever playing around with the program, so I sound a bit stressed and stiff and I'm reading from a script (I promise I am more fun than how I sound in this example!). You can also probably hear all of the hustle and bustle of the JPod101 office in the background. As always, we are busy busy busy. Anyway, with that forewarning said, enjoy! If you want to leave me any comments, please do. Thanks.

Can You Hear me Now?

Moshi Moshi! Today I did lessons 48 and 49 from JapanesePod101.com's survival phrases and lessons 31 and 32 from SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese. The focus was all about cell phones. These photos are of a typical cell phone here in Japan. Notice this one's screen turns horizontally for the owner to watch TV. The little charms hanging on the side are very popular for both men and women. I have a cell phone here in Tokyo. It is a puripeido keitai denwa, or prepaid cell phone, from Soft Bank, one of the cell phone carriers here in Japan. It is a standard flip phone that has photo and video capabilities. For a prepaid phone, it's actually pretty neat. On my first day here, I went to Soft Bank to get it and they... Show more

Tokyo Metro

Today I did all of the lessons related to a major part of Tokyo; none other than the metro system. These lessons go from 26-30 on JapanesePod101.com's survival phrases and SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese lessons 23, 24, and 25. These are some photos of the metro. Nothing too amazing by the looks of it, but incredible once inside. The Tokyo Metro system is like a living arterial network that zig zags and wraps itself across the entire area of what makes up Tokyo and beyond. It's so weird to be walking through ancient shrines and beautiful gardens that have been in place since the 1600s, and think that there are probably three lines of trains at different depths passing underneath you all at once. This is what makes Tokyo... Show more

“Kyo no Tenki wa do Desu ka?”

Welcome back survival phrase learners! Our title today translates to, "how is the weather today?" Fortunately, it's been sunny, so I've been unable to snap one of my own umbrella photos, but this is one I found online. Today I listened to the following lessons: SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese 29 & 30 JapanesePod101.com Survival Phrases 23, 24, & 25 The most important section in my opinion from today is about weather! As you may or may not know, it is the rainy season here in Japan this month, and it feels like it rains every day. I've been here for two weeks now, and there have only been three sunny days! It gets depressing waking up every morning to a cloudy sky, but that is the only thing that seems to be... Show more