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Archive for the 'Team JapanesePod101' Category

A New Voice in the Forum and Comments

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, (Formal I know, but "G'Day mates," might be a bit too casual.) Sam (AKA Jkid) here. I have been listening to JapanesePod101 since its debut on the web. Its purpose was simple. To make learning Japanese interesting and fun. As a long time learner of Japanese I was, of course, interested in what it might have had to offer. Since that time I have listened to almost all of the lessons here. At first, that is all I did. However, it didn't take me long to find my way over to the forums and into the comment section of each lesson where I then began to interact regularly with the great community of people that’s been established here. (Although, it should be noted that in the lesson comments I posted as “A... Show more

December News

Hey guys, Marky here! The year is coming to an end. I want it to hurry up and finish as soon as possible because I've been focusing all my energy on 2008. But, the month isn't over yet, so I'd like to get some important information out there about December. ◎ Mixi We finally got off our lazy butts and set up a mixi community. I'll be posting little tidbits here and there about upcoming stories and behind the scenes things. Next year we'll be trying some new approaches, so if you're obsessed with JPod like some people are, you'll definitely want to check it out from time to time. https://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2858106 ◎ My Tokyo Travelblogue  For fans of the Agnes Murakami saga, December is a good month for you!... Show more

Team JapanesePod101.com

Recently, listener Todd Mizomi visited us in the Tokyo Office! Todd was visiting Tokyo with his wife, celebrating his 8th wedding anniversary. He brought in some delicious Hawaiian chocolate as well as some heavy camera equipment! We know our listeners are very interested in seeing the faces behind the JapanesePod101.com team, and we took advantage of Todd's professionalism! We had a lot of fun with our mini-photoshoot! There will be lots more pictures in the coming days! Thanks Todd-san! Starting from the left: Brian, Oe, Jon, Marky, Kishimoto-sensei, Jeff, Yuki, and Peter in the center. (Missing: Sachiko, Naomi, Jun, Miki, Sakura, Natsuko, Yoshikai, Take, and Ushijima) We hope you enjoy this. Yoroshiku o-negai... Show more

More Pictures!

Last Friday, we received a visit from Favianna Rodriguez a talented and sucessful artist from the Bay Area (California)! Everyone at JapanesePod101.com was wowed by her energy level, personality and the fact that she brought us Ghirardelli Chocolates (Gone in 60 seconds)! We can't thank her enough, as it was great meeting and getting to know her. You can find out more about the talented Favianna-san and her art work by clicking here. Favianna-san managed to track down some more members of the JapanesePod101.com team. So, we would like to introduce you to Sasahara-sensei, Takase and Jonas. Starting from the left: Kazunori (JPod101.com's Alpha-male), Natsuko (holding the Japanese Journal Favianna's art work appeared in), Favianna,... Show more

Pictures Finally! Meet JapanesePod101.com’s Crew!

Last Friday, Dr. Lalo, a doctor from Mexico and an avid listener, stopped by JapanesePod101.com! He was vacationing in Tokyo and wanted to pay us a visit, and he found us! We were so happy to see him! We went to the local sushi bar together; he tried the UNI (sea urchin), and he loved it!! He did all the ordering himself! Dr. Lalo made sure we took some pictures to share with all of you, so "Hello listeners, here we are!" Starting from the left: Kazunori (JPod101.com's Alpha-male), Peter (holding an o-miyage (souvenir) from Dr. Lalo), Kazu (That face is on purpose!), Dr. Lalo, Natsuko, Sakura(holding another o-miyage (souvenir) from Dr. Lalo), and Hatsumi. This is just the first of many pictures and videos to come. We hope you enjoy... Show more

The Newest “Authority” on Japanese Language Learning at JapanesePod101.com

Learn Japanese with Sasahara-sensei, the latest edition to the JapanesePod101.com team. We would like to officially welcome our new Grammar Guru, Sasahara Yuko- sensei. In our continuing quest to improve our lessons and provide our listeners with the best possible Japanese Language Learning Lessons possible, Sasahara-sensei is plays a crucial role in our structure. In addition to being a fully qualified Japanese Language teacher, she has over 5-years of experience teaching Japanese to foreigners. Her addition to our team is vital as all material we present has Sasahara-sensei's official "seal of approval."� We feel a responsibility to our listener's to provide fun and, at the same time, professional language education. We want you to feel... Show more