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Archive for the 'Getting Started Living in Japan' Category

How to Find a Job in Japan

Do you love Japan? Would you consider working and living in Japan? If so, know that there are many ways for foreigners to find a job in Japan! But how easy is it to find a job in Japan? Is it hard to find a job in Japan? It can be very difficult for a foreigner to work in Japan, for various reasons. These include: English isn’t the official language in Japan. Multinational and international companies are located mainly in Tokyo. Work conditions are quite different from those in other countries. However, there are many jobs available for foreigners, including language teaching, IT engineering, health- & medical-related jobs, and other white collar jobs. In short, depending on your skills and interests, there’s a variety of... Show more

Good Resource to Learn Japanese, Check it Out!

I have visited Japan for three times, and each time this country always surprise me with its culture, scenery and people. As a dancer, I have attended many workshop and classes in Tokyo, and met many inspirational people. However, the biggest problem that came up to me is the language barrier. I have had problem to communicate with people about my ideas, stories. As we all known, communication is the most important thing for a friendship. So I started to look for online lessons, since taking actual classes is not possible for me, and I would rather save the money by finding some low budget online tutorial. That’s when JapanesePod101 popped up to me. I have used it for a year, and I can’t deny that JapanesePod101 has provided me... Show more

Writing a Japanese Address on a Postcard

〒 - Postal symbol, preceding postal code 107-0052 - Postal code, composed of 7 numbers 東京都 - Prefecture (県, ken), with the exception of Tokyo (都, to), Hokkaido (道, do) and Osaka/Kyoto (府, fu) 港区 - Municipality, city (市, shi), village (村, mura) or ward (区, ku). Here it is Minato ward. 赤坂 - Area. Here it is Akasaka. 3丁目4-4 - City district (丁目, chome), city block (番地, banchi), bldg/house number (号, go) ジョン シナ - Recipient’s name. In Japan the last name precedes the first name and is often followed by a honorific suffix like San (さん) or Sama (様), corresponding to Mr. or Ms. Click here to learn how to send out a Japanese postcard with our fun FREE video! P.S. Win a personal postcard all the way from Japan! Just click the link... Show more

Valuable Information on Getting Started Living in Japan part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of our Valuable Information on Living in Japan series! This time we will go over credit cards, taxes, and insurance. If you have any questions or information that you would like to share about living in Japan, please leave us a comment! Valuable Information on Living in Japan part 3 ●  Credit Cards Most major credit cards issued overseas can be used in Japan at major restaurants, hotels, department stores, etc. (please note, however, that Japan is still very much a cash society, and there are many stores and restaurants that do not accept credit cards) . However, it is said to be difficult for foreigners to get a Japanese credit card, and there are many stories of people getting rejected when they apply for... Show more

Valuable Information on Getting Started Living in Japan part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our Valuable Information on Living in Japan series! This time we will go over banking, cell phones, and transportation. If you have any questions or information that you would like to share about living in Japan, please leave us a comment! Valuable Information on Living in Japan part 2 ● Banking Japanese banks are usually open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 15:00. When opening a Japanese bank account, you will need your alien registration card and address in Japan. You will receive your account information along with a bank book (通帳, tsūchō) When opening your account, you can also request an ATM card, which is used to withdraw, deposit, and transfer money through your account. Some banks may require you to... Show more

Valuable Information on Getting Started Living in Japan

As the number of non-Japanese people studying Japanese around the world increases, so does the number of people who want to live in Japan for work or study. After all, they say that one of the best ways to learn a language is to be completely immersed in it, right? Moving to a country as foreign as Japan, however, can pose many challenges. When coming to Japan for work or study, there are many things one must consider: What do I need to do soon after I arrive? Where will I live? How do I get around? Here at JapanesePod101.com, we have used information obtained from staff and listeners alike and put together a mini-guide for getting started living in Japan. We will introduce it in three parts in this blog. Part one here covers valuable... Show more