Archive for the 'Learn Japanese' Category
July 16, 2009
Advance Japanese Lesson – Haiku:万緑の中や (Everywhere is green)
万緑(ばんりょく)の中や吾子(あこ)の歯生え初(そ)むる 中村草田男(くさたお)
All around you a sea of green, green, green. In summer the trees take on a deeper shade of green and seem more vibrant than before. I'd like to introduce to you a haiku that... Show more
July 13, 2009
Learn Japanese – Two clever ideas for remembering vocabulary and expressions (Forum Spotlight)
Welcome to Forum Spotlight! Here we’ll be introducing interesting and useful posts made by members at our very own Forum. This week's forum spotlight post is by mikuji, who shared some useful ideas for remembering vocabulary and expressions with everyone.
I have a couple of tips I would like to share - it may help some of you.
1) When I find it difficult to learn an expression or a word, I use it as my screensaver password. I set the screensaver delay to a relatively short time so I am forced to use the expression several times a day. After a while my fingers remember it even if I don't!
2)I Use the slide-show feature on Window XP screensaver (or one could use free screensaver programs such as Flasher)... Show more
July 13, 2009
Learn Japanese Kanji – Everyday Kanji (Kanji seen at restaurants)
Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we're going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at That's right - kanji seen and used everyday!
In this blog and on Twitter we'll be presenting pictures with kanji based on a theme, such as kanji seen on road signs, shop signs, restaurant menus, product packaging, and lots more! You can also see the kanji pictures everyday on Twitter if you follow us! We’ll be changing the theme of the pictures every week.
Our first Everyday Kanji theme for the first week is kanji seen at restaurants!
① やけど注意:Seen on a hot water pot at a sushi shop. It literally means "Be careful not to burn yourself." 注意(chūi) means... Show more
July 9, 2009
Advance Japanese Lesson – Haiku: 閑(しづ)かさや (Stillness)
閑(しづ)かさや岩にしみ入(い)る蝉の声 松尾芭蕉
In the world of haiku, Matsuo Basho is very famous figure. He created the foundations of haiku, and researched this form of expression by artistically... Show more
July 6, 2009
Learn Japanese – Do you know what Japanese name suffixes mean? (Forum Spotlight)
Welcome to Forum Spotlight! Here we’ll be introducing interesting and useful posts made by members at our very own Forum. This week's forum spotlight post is a question asked by slehner about the various name suffixes that exist in Japanese that was answered by Psy.
I'm new to the Japanese language and I've seen a few suffixes used with names before but I do not know how to use them or understand the usage of them.
I am familiar with "san" and and "sensei"** and their basic use but the ones I'm curious about I'll list below. I know its quite a list but I'm mostly looking for an understanding of what they mean and how they relate to ones name and the relationship it might place between... Show more
July 2, 2009
Advanced Japanese Lesson – こわい (Fright)
厨房に行って、同僚に「ねぇ、私の顔って怖い?」とたずねました。「え? 別に…。いつもと同じ顔よ」「さっき案内したお客さんが、私の顔を見て『こわい、こわい』って言ったのよ」。
Fright :
Travelers from Hokkaido stayed in a Ryokan (Japanese style inn) in Tokyo. When shown to their room they were all saying "Ah, kowai," (Oh, how scary) and "Kowai, kowai" (Frightening, frightening.)
... Show more
June 25, 2009
Advanced Japanese Lesson – 赤い色(The Color Red)
「隣の花は赤い」ということわざを知っていますか? これは、「他人のものは何でも素晴らしく見えて、羨ましく思うこと」です。同じ意味で「隣の芝は青い」ということわざもありますね。
さて、なぜ隣の家に咲いている花は「赤い」のでしょうか? 白や黄色の花だってあるのに、わざわざ「赤」という色を選んでことわざに用いているのには、何か理由があるのでしょうか。
ところで、あなたの国の子どもたちは太陽を絵に表わすとき、何色を使いますか? 日本の子どもたちはほぼ全員が赤色を用います。日本の国旗も、白地に赤い丸の「日の丸」ですね。このように、「赤」という色は日本では特別な色なのです。
Have any of you ever heard the old saying "the flowers next door are red"? This means, "the things that others have always look better and make people envious." There's also the saying "the grass is always... Show more
June 22, 2009
Learn Japanese – What’s the best way to write out kanji and kana? (Forum Spotlight)
Welcome to Forum Spotlight! Here we’ll be introducing interesting and useful posts made by members at our very own Forum. This week's forum spotlight post is a question asked by debondtjan about the best way to write out kanji and kana that was answered by Belton.
"For writing the kana/kanji, what would you suggest: a thick pen or a normal pen to practice? The bigger, calligraphic versions of kana & kanji (where they use a thick pen) always look so much better and easier to the eye than the smaller ones.
One problem I currently see in my learning process, is that sometimes small hiragana (on screen) miss some pixels (that you clearly see on bigger hiragana) that aided me in... Show more
June 15, 2009
Learn Japanese – Confused by how the Japanese writing system works? Get answers! (Forum Spotlight)
Welcome to Forum Spotlight! Here we’ll be introducing interesting and useful posts made by members at our very own Forum. This week's forum spotlight post is a question asked by thegsusfreek about the Japanese writing system from a beginner's point of view that was answered by QuackingShoe. If you're a beginner who is confused by how the Japanese writing system works, you'll find some answers here!
Question from thegsusfreek:
I've just started using this program and I've signed up for the 7 day premium trial. I'm absolutely loving it! But, I have many questions about written Japanese. I hope that someone can help answer them.
1) In the first table of the "Kanji Close-up"... Show more
June 14, 2009
The Secret Behind Successfully Learning Japanese Effortlessly
How to Really Learn Japanese in Just Minutes a Day and Stick with it
Get an Instant 10% OFF with coupon code FF2009 for a limited time.
The Myth
What if I told you mastering Japanese wasn't that hard. That actually learning the language itself is not nearly as difficult as you may have heard. And that the problem to progressing is an age old one...failure to execute.
The Real Issue
Said another way, "People don't progress 'cause they don't do! If you don't do the work, you won't reach your goals."
It's a bold statement, but think about it.
How many things have you tried, only to give up at some later point in time. Exercising daily, diets, hobbies, etc. Language learning is no exception.
We tend to start out... Show more