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Japanese Word of the Day – use a computer (phrase)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!パソコンを使う (pasokon o tsukau) use a computer (phrase)わたしは、仕事でパソコンを使う。Watashi wa, shigoto de pasokon o tsukau.I use a computer for work.その女性は、パソコンを使っている。Sono josei wa, pasokon o tsukatte iru.The woman is using a computer.わたしは、仕事でパソコンを使う。Watashi wa, shigoto de pasokon o tsukau.I use a computer for work.仕事でパソコンを使うshigoto de pasokon o tsukauuse a computer for workOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – younger sister (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!妹 (imōto) younger sister (noun)妹はいつも着古した服を着なければならない。Imōto wa itsumo kifurushita fuku o kinakereba naranai.The younger sister always has to wear used clothes.姉は妹を抱いている。Ane wa imōto o daite iru.The older sister is holding her younger sister.兄は、妹を抱いています。Ani wa imōo o daite imasu.I have two older brothers, and both are police officiers.可愛い妹kawaii imōtosweet younger sister姉と妹ane to imōtoolder sister and younger sisterOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – lightning (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!雷 (kaminari) lightning (noun)雷はきれいですが、とても危険です。Kaminari wa kirei desu ga, totemo kiken desu.Flashes of lightning can be beautiful but are very dangerous.稲妻inazumalightning bolt雷雨raiulightning stormOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – hair dryer (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!ドライヤー (doraiyā) hair dryer (noun)ドライヤーを使うと、もっと早く仕事に行く準備ができる。Doraiyā o tsuaku to, motto hayaku shigoto ni iku junbi ga dekiru.I can get ready for work faster using my hair dryer.電気のドライヤーdenki no doraiyāelectric hair dryerOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – open (verb)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!開ける (akeru) open (verb)女性がカーテンを開けている。Josei ga kāten o akete iru.The woman is opening the curtains.ドアを開けてください。Doa o akete kudasai.Please open the door.本を開けなさい。Hon o akenasai.Open your book.男の子がドアを開けている。Otoko no ko ga doa o akete iru.The boy is opening the door.男の子がドアを開ける。Otoko no ko ga doa o akeru.The boy opens the door.男の子がドアを開けた。Otoko no ko ga doa o aketa.The boy opened the door.窓を開けるmado o akeruopen a windowドアを開けるdoa o akeruopen a doorOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free... Show more

Japanese Word of the Day – ginger (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!生姜 (shōga) ginger (noun)しょうがは、料理や薬に使われます。Shōga wa, ryōri ya kusuri ni tsukawaremasu.The spice ginger is used for cooking and medicine.しょうがの根shōga no neginger rootOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – temple (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!お寺 (o-tera) temple (noun)多くの人は、お参りをしにお寺に行きます。Ōku no hito wa, o-mairi o shi ni jiin ni ikimasu.Many people go to temple for prayer.京都でお寺めぐりをした。Kyōto de o-tera-meguri o shita.I toured the temples in Kyoto.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – repeat (verb)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!復唱する (fukushōsuru) repeat (verb)私が言った言葉を英語で復唱してください。Watashi ga itta kotoba o eigo de fukushōshite kudasai.I will say a word, and you will repeat it in English.言葉を復唱するkotoba o fukushōsururepeat the wordOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – painting (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!絵 (e) painting (noun)お風呂には犬がポーカーをしているところが描かれた絵がかけてある。O-furo ni wa inu ga pōkā o shite iru tokoro ga egakareta e ga kakete aru.There is a painting of dogs playing poker in my bathroom.私がこの絵を描きました。Watashi ga kono e o kakimashita.I painted this painting myself.油絵aburaeoil paintingリンゴの絵ringo no epainting of applesOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – basketball (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!バスケットボール (basukettobōru) basketball (noun)バスケットボールは裏庭でも国際アリーナでも、どんな場所でもプレーすることができる。Basukettobōru wa uraniwa de mo kokusai arīna de mo, donna basho demo purē suru koto ga dekiru.Basketball can be played anywhere from backyard hoops to international arenas.男性がバスケットボールをしている。Dansei ga basukettobōru o shite iru.The man is playing basketball.男子と女子がバスケットボールをしている。Danshi to joshi ga basukettobōru o shite iru.The boys and girls are playing basketball.バスケットボールをするbasukettobōru o suruplay basketball大学のバスケットボールdaigaku no basukettobōrucollege basketballバスケットボール選手basukettobōru senshubasketball playerOwn a blog or website? Share free... Show more