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Japanese Word of the Day – absent (verb)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!欠席する (けっせきする) absent (verb)二度と欠席してはいけません!にどとけっせきしてはいけません!Don't be absent again!学校を欠席するがっこうをけっせきするabsent from school授業を欠席するじゅぎょうをけっせきするbe absent from classOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – aquarium (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!水族館 (すいぞくかん) aquarium (noun)水族館で、ナマズを見た。すいぞくかんで、ナマズをみた。I saw a catfish in an aquarium.水族館で魚が泳ぎまわるのを見るのが大好きです。すいぞくかんでさかながおよぎまわるのをみるのがだいすきです。I love to watch all the fish swim at the aquarium.水族館の水槽にいる魚すいぞくかんのすいそうにいるさかなfish in a fish tank at the aquariumOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – blood test (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!血液検査 (けつえきけんさ) blood test (noun)血液検査で彼の血液中のアルコール度数が高い事がわかった。けつえきけんさでかれのけつえきちゅうのアルコールどすうがたかいことがわかった。The blood test found his blood alchol level was very high.血液検査用の小ビンけつえきけんさようのこびんvial of blood for a blood testOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – air conditioner (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!エアコン (エアコン) air conditioner (noun)暑い夏の日は、エアコンのおかげで一日中涼しくいられる。あついなつのひは、エアコンのおかげでいちにちじゅうすずしくいられる。On a hot summer day, the air conditioner works all day to keep us cool.外付け式のエアコンは結構安い。そとづけしきのエアコンはけっこうやすい。External air conditioners are quite cheap.セントラルエアコンセントラルエアコンcentral air conditionerエアコンの室外機エアコンのしつがいきexternal air conditioner unit壁掛け式エアコンかべかけしきエアコンwall-mounted air conditionerOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – fart (phrase)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!おならをする (おならをする) fart (phrase)彼はプレゼン中におならをした。かれはプレゼンなかにおならをした。He farted during the presentation.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – koala (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!コアラ (コアラ) koala (noun)コアラが木の上でつかまっている。コアラがきのうえでつかまっている。The koala bear is holding on to the tree.コアラが木の上で葉っぱを食べている。コアラがきのうえではっぱをたべている。The koala is eating leaves in the tree.灰色のコアラはいいろのコアラgrey koala bearOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – ballpoint pen (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!ボールペン (ボールペン) ballpoint pen (noun)この三枚の書類にサインするときは、黒のボールペンを使ってください。このさんまいのしょるいにサインするときは、くろのボールペンをつかってください。Use a ballpoint pen with black ink to sign these papers.黒と金色のボールペンくろときんいろのボールペンblack and gold ballpoint penOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – pass a test (phrase)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!テストに合格する (テストにごうかくする) pass a test (phrase)ティーンエイジャーが運転試験に合格しました。ティーンエイジャーがうんてんしけんにごうかくしました。The teenager passed her driving test.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – turtle (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!カメ (カメ) turtle (noun)カメは身を守るために硬い甲羅で覆われている。カメはみをまもるためにかたいこうらでおおわれている。A turtle has a hard shell for protection.ウミガメが海を泳いでいる。ウミガメがうみをおよいでいる。The sea turtle is swimming in the sea.ウミガメウミガメsea turtle水槽の中にいるミドリガメすいそうのなかにいるミドリガメgreen turtle in tankOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – sunglasses (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!サングラス (サングラス) sunglasses (noun)このサングラスは新しいです。このサングラスはあたらしいです。These sunglasses are new.安いサングラスやすいサングラスcheap sunglassesOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!