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Archive for the 'Learn Japanese' Category

Japanese Word of the Day – stir-fry (verb)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!炒める (いためる) stir-fry (verb)鶏の胸肉と野菜の炒めものが好きです。とりのむねにくとやさいのいためものがすきです。I like to stir-fry vegetables with chicken breast.野菜を炒めるやさいをいためるstir-fry vegetables料理をいためるりょうりをいためるstir-fry the foodOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – glue (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!接着剤 (せっちゃくざい) glue (noun)壊れたカップを接着剤で直しなさい。こわれたカップをせっちゃくざいでなおしなさい。Use glue to repair the broken cup.接着剤を紙につけなさい。せっちゃくざいをかみにつけなさい。Apply glue to the paper.強力接着剤きょうりょくせっちゃくざいpermanent glue白い接着剤しろいせっちゃくざいwhite glueOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Welcome to Innovative Language Headquarters! Listener Visit #3

Today, we bring you another blog post from Motoko, lesson creator, host and Office Party Planner! Motoko will be sharing more bilingual posts on our blog, so check back often and leave a comment! Hi everyone, Motoko here! Today I’d like to tell you about another listener meetup we had. The other day, we had a listener come to visit us from Mitaka, Tokyo. (Yes. From TOKYO!) Audrius studies at a private university in Tokyo and lives in the dormitories there. He is from Lithuania, in Northern Europe. He is the first Lithuanian I’ve ever met! I was pleasantly surprised by his level of Japanese fluency. Let me talk a little about his Japanese learning journey: he started learning... Show more

Japanese Word of the Day – washing machine (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!洗濯機 (せんたくき) washing machine (noun)服を清潔にしておくために、洗濯機を使います。ふくをせいけつにしておくために、せんたくきをつかいます。I use the washing machine to keep my clothes clean.洗濯機で服を洗うせんたくきでふくをあらうwash clothes in a washing machineOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – sweat (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!汗 (あせ) sweat (noun)選手は、試合のあと、汗でびしょびしょでした。せんしゅは、しあいのあと、あせでびしょびしょでした。The athletes were covered in sweat after the game.玉の汗たまのあせbeads of sweatしたたり落ちる汗したたりおちるあせdripping sweatOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – mechanic (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!整備士 (せいびし) mechanic (noun)整備士が車の修理をしています。せいびしがくるまのしゅうりをしています。The mechanic is repairing the car.整備工場にいる整備士せいびこうじょうにいるせいびしmechanic at an auto repair shopOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – eyeglasses (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!眼鏡 (めがね) eyeglasses (noun)手術があるので、眼鏡は昔ほど一般的ではない。しゅじゅつがあるので、めがねはむかしほどいっぱんてきではない。Eyeglasses are not as common as they used to be because of surgeries.眼鏡の処方箋めがねのしょほうせんprescription eyeglassesOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – battery (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!電池 (でんち) battery (noun)毎月、私は煙探知機の電池を交換します。まいつき、わたしはけむりたんちきのでんちをこうかんします。Every month I change the battery in my smoke alarm.電池が切れた。でんちがきれた。The battery ran out.切れた電池きれたでんちdead battery電池のプラス側でんちのプラスがわplus side of a dry cell batteryOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – tree (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!木 (き) tree (noun)私たちは、毎年、裏庭のリンゴの木から取れる実を食べる。わたしたちは、まいとし、うらにわのリンゴのきからとれるみをたべる。We eat fruit every year from the apple tree in my back yard.猿たちが木の上にいる。さるたちがきのうえにいる。The monkeys are in the tree.リンゴの木リンゴのきapple tree大きな木おおきなきbig tree緑の葉のついた木みどりのはのついたきgreen leafed tree桃の実がついた桃の木もものみがついたもものきpeach tree with peachesOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – stop sign (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!一時停止標識 (いちじていしひょうしき) stop sign (noun)赤い一時停止標識あかいいちじていしひょうしきred stop signOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!