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Archive for the 'Learn Japanese' Category

Top 5 Anime to Help You Learn Japanese

Japanese anime is very popular around the world. So popular that many people decide to learn Japanese because of their love for their favorite anime shows. But one problem with learning Japanese through anime is the kind of Japanese you’ll absorb this way. The characters in anime live in their own universe, where everyone tends to use slang, casual language, informal pronouns and even made-up words. It’s very easy to spot people who learned Japanese exclusively through anime – you’ll see 20-year-old boys talking like 10-year-old kawaii girls, or 20-year-old girls talking like yakuza, for example! Needless to say, native Japanese speakers may not take them seriously! Despite this, it can actually be useful to incorporate anime into your... Show more

Japanese Word of the Day – ruler (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!定規 (じょうぎ) ruler (noun)定規でライン間隔を測りなさい。じょうぎでラインかんかくをはかりなさい。Measure the spaces between the lines with a ruler.計測用定規けいそくようじょうぎmeasuring ruler十二インチの定規じゅうにインチのじょうぎtwelve inch rulerOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – angry (phrase)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!怒っている (おこっている) angry (phrase)父が私に怒っています。ちちがわたしにおこっています。My father is angry with me.マネージャーは怒りました。マネージャーはおこりました。The manager got angry.テストが返却されないので、怒っています。テストがへんきゃくされないので、おこっています。I'm angry the test results aren't back.その少年は怒っている。そのしょうねんはおこっている。The boy is angry.怒っているときおこっているときangry times怒っている少年おこっているしょうねんangry boyOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Must-Know Japanese Holiday Words: Bean-Throwing Ceremony

Click on the video below to learn about Setsubun for FREE! Setsubun (the Bean-Throwing Ceremony) is celebrated on February 3rd in Japan. Can you talk about this holiday in Japanese? In this special Weekly Words lesson, Risa will teach you about the customs and vocabulary related to Setsubun. You can also get the lesson notes, review the vocabulary and try fun quizzes on our lesson page. >> Click here to visit the lesson page on JapanesePod101! Want to find out more about Setsubun? >> Check out our FREE advanced video on JapanesePod101! Are there any events like Setsubun in your country? Let us know in the comments!

Japanese Word of the Day – melon (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!メロン (メロン) melon (noun)百種類以上のメロンがあるが、どれもジューシーで美味しい。ひゃくしゅるいいじょうのメロンがあるが、どれもジューシーでおいしい。There are over one hundred varieties of melon, but all are juicy and good tasting.メロンには、二十五以上の種類がある。メロンには、にじゅうごいじょうのしゅるいがある。There are more than twenty-five varieties of melon.二種類のメロンにしゅるいのメロンtwo types of melonハネデューメロンハネデューメロンhoney dew melonOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – mushroom (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!キノコ (キノコ) mushroom (noun)キノコは、多くの人が好んで食べる肉厚の菌類だ。キノコは、おおくのひとがこのんでたべるにくあつのきんるいだ。Mushrooms are a fleshy fungus that many people enjoy eating.きのこを食べるときは菌を食べているのと同じだ。きのこをたべるときはきんをたべているのとおなじだ。When you eat mushrooms, you are eating a fungus.二つのキノコふたつのキノコtwo mushroomsキノコサラダキノコサラダmushroom salad炒めたキノコいためたキノコfried mushroomsOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – bone (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!骨 (ほね) bone (noun)骨は皮膚の下にある。ほねはひふのしたにある。Your bones are beneath your skin.骨を折るほねをおるbreak a bone骨のレントゲン写真ほねのレントゲンしゃしんX-ray of a boneOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – key (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!鍵 (かぎ) key (noun)私は、車に鍵をおいたまま、ドアをロックしてしまった。わたしは、くるまにかぎをおいたまま、ドアをロックしてしまった。I locked my keys inside the car.その男性はカギで車のドアを開けている。そのだんせいはカギでくるまのドアをあけている。The man is unlocking the car door with the key.車の鍵くるまのかぎcar key部屋の鍵へやのかぎroom keyOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – duck (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!鴨 (かも) duck (noun)北にいるカモは越冬のために、南に飛んで行く。きたにいるカモはえっとうのために、みなみにとんでいく。Ducks in the north fly south for the winter.かもの鳴き声は響く。かものなきごえはひびく。A duck’s quack echoes.かも達が飛んでいる。かもたちがとんでいる。The ducks are flying.カモたちが、水の中に頭を突っ込んだり、上げたりしている。カモたちが、みずのなかにあたまをつっこんだり、あげたりしている。The ducks are bobbing in the water.カモ狩りカモがりduck hunting茶色のカモちゃいろのカモbrown duckOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Japanese Word of the Day – singer (noun)

Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!歌手 (かしゅ) singer (noun)私は歌手です。わたしはかしゅです。I'm a singer.オペラ歌手オペラかしゅopera singer男性歌手だんせいかしゅmale singerOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!