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Archive for the 'Japanese Lessons' Category

How will learning Japanese make you rich?

The chance to speak with other people in their native tongue and the love for a culture can be all the motivation you need to learn a new language. The money on top is an added bonus, but we will tell you how this hobby can turn into a source of revenue! For Japanese beginners: Click here to learn the most common phrases! 1) If you have language skills beyond your colleagues who just speak English, and if your company needs those skills to open new markets or reach new customers, you are much more valuable than other employees. A lot of people are getting big raises for this reason. 2) You can make some extra money with your language skills as a teacher. You can work for yourself, give private lessons at night after... Show more

JapanesePod101 Review – Better Late Than Never: How I’m (Still) Learning Japanese

I first want to say that learning another language is difficult. It's time-consuming, you always feel like you're not pronouncing things right and it's really easy to just give up. BUT DON'T! Learning another language is the best thing I have done to improve my mind and my view on the world. When I decided to spend my summer in Japan, I had not learned a word of Japanese. I thought I would be able to pick it up from simply being around it all the time. I was wrong. When I arrived in Japan, I felt because of my language barrier I was missing out on a part of Japan that only people who spoke the language got to experience. This was when I started using JapanesePod101. Reasons I enjoyed using JapanesePod101 It’s free!!! →... Show more

Japanese Honorifics Guide: San, Kun, Chan, Sama and More

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_SyvQyJvAI Have you ever felt confused about all those -kun, -chan and -senpai you hear when watching anime? I am sure you have wondered about the meaning of these Japanese suffixes. After reading this post your Japanese will sound more natural as you will learn how to use Japanese honorifics! Remember to take the quiz at the end to test your understanding and to sign up at JapanesePod101.com if you really want to learn Japanese with effective resources. Most languages use them: “Mr.”, “Mrs”, “Sir”, “Dr”… But in Japanese, there are more of them, and they are a lot more nuanced. They are often attached to a name as a suffix, but some can stand alone, such as sensei. In Japanese there are... Show more

Learn to Read and Write Japanese Kanji Characters

You all have experienced that feeling, right? …Or this one. But what if I told you… THIS IS POSSIBLE NOW! With this new series, you will discover the Radical Approach to Mastering Kanji. It’s perfect for Japanese Beginners! You’ll learn how to read, write and understand Kanji through an easy, step-by-step method – radicals – the building blocks of Kanji. And here is the first Kanji achievement you can successfully unlock: one of the most useful characters, the radical for “person,” 亻. Next episodes of this series to Master Kanji are already available on the wesbite! You are just a click away from becoming a Kanji Master!

For Japanese Learners: 10 Japanese Adjectives to Describe Yourself

In this lesson you will learn what adjective describes your personality best. In this video, Risa a native Japanese speaker, will explain the simple adjectives you need. They're written in both Japanese characters and the alphabet, giving all the tools you need to get started in your Japanese study. Here is our list! Click here to listen how to pronounce those adjectives! 1. つまらない。 Tsumaranai Boring. 2. 丁寧。 ていねい。Teinei Polite. 3. 落ち着いた。 おちついた。Ochistuita Calm. 4. 面白い。 おもしろい。Omoshiroi Humorous. 5. まじめ。 Majime Serious. Watch the full video on our website! 6. 恥ずかしい。 はずかしい。Hazukashii Shy. 7. 親切。 しんせつ。Shinsetsu Kind. 8. 賢い。 かしこい。Kashikoi Kind. 9. 熱心。 ねっしん。Nesshin ... Show more

How to Learn Japanese in Your Car?

Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Japanese? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Japanese. Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Japanese in your car! Here are the 5 reasons why you should start learning Japanese! You can learn Japanese in your car,... Show more

Top 10 Compliments You Always Want to Hear in Japanese

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. きみは最高の友達だよ。 きみはさいこうのともだちだよ。Kimi wa saigō no tomodachi dayo You are an awesome friend. 2. そのジャケット、似合っていますね。 そのジャケット、にあっていますね。Sono jaketto, niatteimasu ne That jacket looks nice on you. 3. ハンサムですね。 Hansamu desu ne You’re handsome. 4. よくやった! Yoku yatta! Great job! 5. 見た目より内面のほうがずっとすてきです。 みためよりないめんのほうがずっとすてきです。 Mitame yori naimen nohōga zutto suteki desu Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside. Click Here To Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account! 6. 頭いいですね! あたまいいですね!Atama ii desu ne You’re smart! 7. センスがいいね。 Sensu ga ii ne You have good taste. 8. 笑顔が素敵です。 えがおがすてきです。Egao ga suteki desu Your smile is... Show more

Top 10 Hardest Words to Pronounce in Japanese

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. ツイッター。 - Twitter. 2. 伝えられなかった。 - Could not tell. 3. 侵略。 - invasion. 4. 便利。 - Convenient. 5. 出力。 - Output power. 6. 店員。 - Clerk. 7. 旅行。 - Traveling. 8. 暖かくなかった。 - Was not warm. 9. 駐車場。 - Parking lot. 10. おっちょこちょい。 - Clumsy. Click here to access this lesson for FREE! Here are some handy ways you can master the quotes with this lesson: Press the sound icon to hear each word and read along Review all words in a slideshow by pressing “View Slideshow” Listen to all the words in one lesson with “Play Audio” Add the words to your Word Bank or Flashcards Print the entire list out for... Show more

どのくらい日本語を勉強していますか。Do you know how to answer this question?

どのくらい (dono kurai):how long, how many, how much Here is how to ask how long someone has been studying Japanese: どのくらい日本語を勉強していますか。How long have you been studying Japanese? Here are some ways to answer this question. 一か月間です。 For 1 month. 二年間です。For 2 years. 半年間です。For half a year. How long have you been studying Japanese? Click here and leave your answer! P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of Japanese with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons The Daily Dose of Japanese is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your Japanese over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in... Show more

How JapanesePod101 makes learning grammar easy and fun – JapanesePod101 Review

理解することはまあまあできるけど、話すのは難しい! Understanding is alright, but speaking is hard! Hi, my name is Noemi and this is what I have been saying for over a year whenever someone asks me about my level in Japanese. I have tons of learning books, and I think they are all good but just too heavy to carry. My Japanese friends are helping me, but it is impossible to remember everything they are teaching me, especially in a more casual context. I also took Japanese classes for 2 years, and those are generally a great option, but not so much for my wallet. In other words: I was stuck at my let’s say lower intermediate level and this needs to change. I am in Japan now, so it’s time to learn. Basically, what I need is something light and... Show more