Archive for the 'Japanese Words' Category
May 24, 2016
Top 10 Compliments You Always Want to Hear in Japanese
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1. きみは最高の友達だよ。
きみはさいこうのともだちだよ。Kimi wa saigō no tomodachi dayo
You are an awesome friend.
2. そのジャケット、似合っていますね。
そのジャケット、にあっていますね。Sono jaketto, niatteimasu ne
That jacket looks nice on you.
3. ハンサムですね。
Hansamu desu ne
You’re handsome.
4. よくやった!
Yoku yatta!
Great job!
5. 見た目より内面のほうがずっとすてきです。
Mitame yori naimen nohōga zutto suteki desu
Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside.
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6. 頭いいですね!
あたまいいですね!Atama ii desu ne
You’re smart!
7. センスがいいね。
Sensu ga ii ne
You have good taste.
8. 笑顔が素敵です。
えがおがすてきです。Egao ga suteki desu
Your smile is... Show more
May 13, 2016
10 Monthly Goals to become fluent in Japanese
Hey Japanese Learner!
Shortcuts for learning and tips to remember Japanese words are useful but it's even also important to fix objectives to reach every month! What Is Your Language Learning Goal for the Month?
In your journey to become fluent and conversational here are 10 monthly goals you can go after!
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1) I'll finish Survival Phrases series on by listening to two lesson a day.
2) I'll give a 3 minute introductory speech in Japanese to my Japanese friends.
3) I'll finish reading one Japanese book by reading 10 pages a day.
4) I'll pass my Japanese test.
5) I'll write 10 postcards in Japanese to my Japanese friends.
6) I'll memorize 5 Japanese... Show more
May 11, 2016
How to be a Good Lover in Japan
Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words!
- あなたの事を愛しています。
Anata no koto o aishiteimasu.
I love you.
- あなたは私にとって、とても大事な存在です。
Anata wa watashi ni totte totemo daijina sonzaidesu.
You mean so much to me.
- バレンタインを一緒に過ごしてくれる?
Barentain o issho ni sugoshite kureru?
Will you be my Valentine?
- 君はとても美しいよ。
Kimi wa totemo utsukushī yo.
You’re so beautiful.
- 私は、友達以上としてあなたのことを考えている。
Watashi wa, tomodachi ijou toshite anata no koto o kangaete iru.
I think of you as more than a friend.
- 百個のハートでも、君を愛しているというのは表現しつくせない。Hyaku-ko no hāto demo, kimi o aishi teru to iu no wa hyōgen shi tsukusenai.
A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
- 愛」はただ単に「愛」である。説明なんてできない。
`Ai’ wa tada... Show more
April 26, 2016
Must Know Golden Week Vocabulary
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Golden week is almost here! In few days it will be the beginning of the Golden week, the longest public holiday in Japan.
It’s an exciting moment for a lot of people as it’s the period for some time off and to fully enjoy Spring. Here is the list of Top Words you need to know for your holidays!
1. Traffic jam
渋滞 (じゅうたい)
2. Warm
暖かい (あたたかい)
3. Golden Week holidays
4. Chimaki
5. Constitution Day
憲法記念日 (Constitution Day)
6. Kashiwamochi
柏餅 (かしわもち)
7. Greenery Day
みどりの日 (みどりのひ)
8. Children's Day
子供の日 (こどものひ)
9. Trip abroad
海外旅行 (かいがいりょこう)
10. Doll for the Boys' Festival in May
五月人形 (ごがつ にんぎょう)
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April 21, 2016
10 Japanese Anime Words other languages want in their Dictionary
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Thanks to Japanese, we realize we miss a lot of words and expressions in our own languages. If you’re looking for Japanese words we should have in our dictionary, this list is for you!
You can hear these commonly used words in anime or dramas. They are pretty easy to understand, but when it comes to translating them or to explaining the meaning, it’s a different story! However, we tried to find the best definition for you, so arigatou for your understanding!
1. 先生 (Sensei) "Professor”
This word can be used for all the people that teach you something. A teacher, a doctor, a philosopher… everybody can be a sensei for somebody else.
2. お疲れ様 (Otsukaresama) “Good work today
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April 14, 2016
Top 10 Hardest Words to Pronounce in Japanese
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1. ツイッター。 - Twitter.
2. 伝えられなかった。 - Could not tell.
3. 侵略。 - invasion.
4. 便利。 - Convenient.
5. 出力。 - Output power.
6. 店員。 - Clerk.
7. 旅行。 - Traveling.
8. 暖かくなかった。 - Was not warm.
9. 駐車場。 - Parking lot.
10. おっちょこちょい。 - Clumsy.
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Press the sound icon to hear each word and read along
Review all words in a slideshow by pressing “View Slideshow”
Listen to all the words in one lesson with “Play Audio”
Add the words to your Word Bank or Flashcards
Print the entire list out for... Show more
February 14, 2016
Japanese Word of the Day – dandelion (noun)
Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!タンポポ (タンポポ) dandelion (noun)地域によっては、タンポポはスープやサラダに入れて食べられている。ちいきによっては、タンポポはスープやサラダにいれてたべられている。Dandelions are eaten in soups and salads in someplaces.タンポポは雑草とみなされている。タンポポはざっそうとみなされている。Dandelions are considered weeds.黄色いタンポポきいろいタンポポyellow dandelionsタンポポの綿毛タンポポのわたげdandelion puffOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
January 20, 2016
Japanese Word of the Day – lose (verb)
Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!負ける (まける) lose (verb)そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームで負ける。そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームでまける。The player loses the card game.そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームで負けた。そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームでまけた。The player lost the card game.そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームで負けている。そのプレイヤーは、カードゲームでまけている。The player is losing the card game.彼は試合に負けた。かれはしあいにまけた。He lost the game.大きな試合に負けたいと思う人は誰もいない。おおきなしあいにまけたいとおもうひとはだれもいない。Nobody likes to lose the big game.カードゲームで負けるカードゲームでまけるlose a card game試合に負けるしあいにまけるlose a game大負けするおおまけするlose badlyOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free... Show more
January 9, 2016
Japanese Word of the Day – older brother (noun)
Learn a little Japanese everyday with the free Japanese Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!兄 (あに) older brother (noun)兄が妹を抱いている。あにがいもうとをだいている。The older brother is holding his younger sister.私には、2人の兄がいて、二人とも警察官です。わたしには、ふたりのあにがいて、ふたりともけいさつかんです。I have two older brothers, and both are police officers.意地悪な兄いじわるなあにmean older brotherOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Japanese Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
October 12, 2015
Top 10 Must-know Survival Words & Phrases for Your Next Trip to Japan
1. おはよう。 - Good morning.
Click here to learn more basic Japanese greetings:
2. すごい - cool, amazing, great, wonderful
Click here to learn how to introduce yourself in Japanese:
3. お名前は? - What’s your name?
Click here to learn how to ask What’s Your Name? In Japanese:
4. じゃ、また。 - See you soon.
Click here to learn basic Japanese greetings:
5. どこに住んでいますか? - Where do you live?
Click here to learn how to ask and answer this question:
6. 笑う - To laugh
Check out the Top 25 Must-Know Japanese verbs:
7. きれい - beautiful
Click here to learn the secret of making a good first impression in Japan:
8. 駅はどこですか? - Where’s the station?
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