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For Japanese Learners: 10 Japanese Adjectives to Describe Yourself

In this lesson you will learn what adjective describes your personality best. In this video, Risa a native Japanese speaker, will explain the simple adjectives you need. They're written in both Japanese characters and the alphabet, giving all the tools you need to get started in your Japanese study. Here is our list! Click here to listen how to pronounce those adjectives! 1. つまらない。 Tsumaranai Boring. 2. 丁寧。 ていねい。Teinei Polite. 3. 落ち着いた。 おちついた。Ochistuita Calm. 4. 面白い。 おもしろい。Omoshiroi Humorous. 5. まじめ。 Majime Serious. Watch the full video on our website! 6. 恥ずかしい。 はずかしい。Hazukashii Shy. 7. 親切。 しんせつ。Shinsetsu Kind. 8. 賢い。 かしこい。Kashikoi Kind. 9. 熱心。 ねっしん。Nesshin ... Show more

How To Learn Japanese with Anime?

We always see this kind of advice on the Internet: “You should watch Japanese drama, it helped me to quickly progress” or “There is nothing better than anime without subtitles for learning Japanese”. Can you really learn a language without much effort by watching anime? Following this advice can bring many advantages: Attuning your ears to Japanese by listening to native speakers Boosting your vocabulary Boosting your dialogue-related listening comprehension Letting you hear a language used in context Learning passively while having funAt the end of the day, it seems like a great idea, but in reality it’s not totally true… Actually, it varies! We definitely recommend that you expose yourself to a lot of resources in their... Show more

How to Learn Japanese in Your Car?

Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Japanese? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Japanese. Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Japanese in your car! Here are the 5 reasons why you should start learning Japanese! You can learn Japanese in your car,... Show more

Top 10 Superstitions in Japan

In Japan many things are considered to bring good or bad luck. Superstitions are strongly entrenched in Japanese society, and some of them are meant to teach lessons or serve as practical advice. Here is a list of the top 10 superstitions in Japan you must know! Click Here To Start Learning Japanese Right Now! 1) Numbers 4 and 9 are considered to be unlucky numbers because 4 in Japanese is sometimes pronounced し which means “death,” while 9 is also sometimes pronounced く and means “suffering.” In the US, some old buildings don’t have a 13th floor, while in Japan hospitals and some hotels don’t have a 4th floor. Often the room number 4 and rooms 40 through 49 are not there. When you give a gift of a set of plates or cups to somebody,... Show more

Top 10 Compliments You Always Want to Hear in Japanese

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! 1. きみは最高の友達だよ。 きみはさいこうのともだちだよ。Kimi wa saigō no tomodachi dayo You are an awesome friend. 2. そのジャケット、似合っていますね。 そのジャケット、にあっていますね。Sono jaketto, niatteimasu ne That jacket looks nice on you. 3. ハンサムですね。 Hansamu desu ne You’re handsome. 4. よくやった! Yoku yatta! Great job! 5. 見た目より内面のほうがずっとすてきです。 みためよりないめんのほうがずっとすてきです。 Mitame yori naimen nohōga zutto suteki desu Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside. Click Here To Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account! 6. 頭いいですね! あたまいいですね!Atama ii desu ne You’re smart! 7. センスがいいね。 Sensu ga ii ne You have good taste. 8. 笑顔が素敵です。 えがおがすてきです。Egao ga suteki desu Your smile is... Show more

10 Monthly Goals to become fluent in Japanese

Hey Japanese Learner! Shortcuts for learning and tips to remember Japanese words are useful but it's even also important to fix objectives to reach every month! What Is Your Language Learning Goal for the Month? In your journey to become fluent and conversational here are 10 monthly goals you can go after! Click Here To Start Learning Japanese Right Now! 1) I'll finish Survival Phrases series on JapanesePod101.com by listening to two lesson a day. 2) I'll give a 3 minute introductory speech in Japanese to my Japanese friends. 3) I'll finish reading one Japanese book by reading 10 pages a day. 4) I'll pass my Japanese test. 5) I'll write 10 postcards in Japanese to my Japanese friends. 6) I'll memorize 5 Japanese... Show more

How to be a Good Lover in Japan

Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words! - あなたの事を愛しています。 Anata no koto o aishiteimasu. I love you. - あなたは私にとって、とても大事な存在です。 Anata wa watashi ni totte totemo daijina sonzaidesu. You mean so much to me. - バレンタインを一緒に過ごしてくれる? Barentain o issho ni sugoshite kureru? Will you be my Valentine? - 君はとても美しいよ。 Kimi wa totemo utsukushī yo. You’re so beautiful. - 私は、友達以上としてあなたのことを考えている。 Watashi wa, tomodachi ijou toshite anata no koto o kangaete iru. I think of you as more than a friend. - 百個のハートでも、君を愛しているというのは表現しつくせない。Hyaku-ko no hāto demo, kimi o aishi teru to iu no wa hyōgen shi tsukusenai. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. - 愛」はただ単に「愛」である。説明なんてできない。 `Ai’ wa tada... Show more

Top 15 tips to remember words when learning Japanese

Hey Japanese learner! We recently gave you some shortcuts to learn Japanese. In your journey to become fluent and conversational in less time that is needed to say “Gotta catch 'em all”, we will this time give you the Top 15 tips to remember words! 1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again. 2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes. 3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life. 4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words. Click Here To Start Learning Japanese Right Now! 5. Learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other. 6. Speak as often as possible with... Show more

Must Know Golden Week Vocabulary

Click here to listen to the audio pronunciation! Golden week is almost here! In few days it will be the beginning of the Golden week, the longest public holiday in Japan. It’s an exciting moment for a lot of people as it’s the period for some time off and to fully enjoy Spring. Here is the list of Top Words you need to know for your holidays! 1. Traffic jam 渋滞 (じゅうたい) 2. Warm 暖かい (あたたかい) 3. Golden Week holidays ゴールデンウィーク 4. Chimaki ちまき 5. Constitution Day 憲法記念日 (Constitution Day) 6. Kashiwamochi 柏餅 (かしわもち) 7. Greenery Day みどりの日 (みどりのひ) 8. Children's Day 子供の日 (こどものひ) 9. Trip abroad 海外旅行 (かいがいりょこう) 10. Doll for the Boys' Festival in May 五月人形 (ごがつ にんぎょう) ... Show more

Top 5 Japanese Pop Culture Icons

Click here to start learning Japanese for FREE! Japan is a country rich in pop culture, which has spread all around the world and had a big influence. Popular culture changes quickly and drastically, but who are the biggest icons from Japanese Pop Culture in recent years? Here is our Top 5! 1. ハローキティ - Hello Kitty Hello Kitty, also known as Kitī-chan in Japanese, is one of the major characters in Japan, and a symbol of “Cute” culture. Hardcore fans of Kitty are called kitirā (キティラー). Hello Kitty is popular overseas as well. For example, celebrities like Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are known to be enthusiastic Kitty fans. 2. AKB48 AKB48 is currently the most popular idol group in Japan, and known for... Show more