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Archive for the 'Japanese Online' Category

How to Say Nice to Meet You in Japanese

If you are in Japan for business or travel, or meeting you Japanese friend’s family in your own country, we are sure you would love to impress your Japanese hosts with your Japanese language skills. You want to introduce yourself, say hello and learn how to say nice to meet you in Japanese. But you have heard that it is difficult and a mistake can cause great confusion or trouble. Don’t worry! Here we bring you some useful tips for that successful first meeting for all Japanese beginners. You'll learn formal and informal Japanese phrases in this blog post. Discover the list of Top 10 Lines to Introduce Yourself in Japanese 1. My name is . こんにちは。わたしは です。 Konnichi wa. Watashi wa desu. "Hello. My name is ." ... Show more

Writing a Japanese Address on a Postcard

〒 - Postal symbol, preceding postal code 107-0052 - Postal code, composed of 7 numbers 東京都 - Prefecture (県, ken), with the exception of Tokyo (都, to), Hokkaido (道, do) and Osaka/Kyoto (府, fu) 港区 - Municipality, city (市, shi), village (村, mura) or ward (区, ku). Here it is Minato ward. 赤坂 - Area. Here it is Akasaka. 3丁目4-4 - City district (丁目, chome), city block (番地, banchi), bldg/house number (号, go) ジョン シナ - Recipient’s name. In Japan the last name precedes the first name and is often followed by a honorific suffix like San (さん) or Sama (様), corresponding to Mr. or Ms. Click here to learn how to send out a Japanese postcard with our fun FREE video! P.S. Win a personal postcard all the way from Japan! Just click the link... Show more

How to Learn Japanese with Video Games?

Do you remember holding your first Game Boy? Do you remember the “Golden Age” of Japanese video games? I bet it was the reason to start learning Japanese in the first place for some of us. And you are here reading this article, so you probably have a keen interest in video games! If you are learning Japanese and you do like video games, this is perfect. By knowing how to read Hiragana and Katakana, and with a bit of foundation in Japanese grammar, I have the pleasure to announce that you unlocked a new achievement: Playing video games to practice Japanese! After a long day of work or school, sitting down at your desk with an other textbook might be the last thing you want to do. It is a way more fun to use our entertaining audio... Show more

The 10 Day Hiragana Challenge

September either sounds like back to school or end of holidays. Getting back to work? Well, that’s usually harder, but if the summer didn’t get rid of your motivation to learn Japanese, then you’re about to start on the bleeding edge thanks to: The 10 Day Hiragana Challenge The "Challange" is quite simple: within 10 days you’ll be able to perfectly READ and WRITE all Hiragana. That’s all you’ll need to master one of the three alphabets of Japanese language. From Tuesday, the 6th of September we will release one video per day during 10 days on our YouTube channel, to give you all the resources and tips to learn those Japanese characters. Every day from the 6th to the 15th, Risa will teach you the secret to easily learning 46... Show more

10 Best Responses to “How Are You” in Japanese

Hi Japanese Learner, how are you? This is one of the most common question used in everyday life. There are many possible responses to this question and various tons to use. You must learn those different ways to respond because one answer may fit better, and having a greater range of expression is a sign of fluency. With this Japanese lesson, Risa will teach you the 10 best responses to “How Are You” in Japanese. Here we go! Click Here to Learn How to Pronounce Those 10 Phrases 1.私は元気です。 わたしはげんき。 Watashi wa genki desu. I’m fine. 2.大丈夫です。 だいじょうぶで。 Daijōbu desu. I’m okay. 3.眠いんです。 ねむいんです。 Nemui n desu. I’m sleepy. 4.絶好調です。 ぜっこうちょう。 Zekkōchō desu. I’m great. 5.調子が悪いです。 ちょうしがわるいです。... Show more

4 Reasons Why Japanese Slang Words Will Make You Fluent

Learn 4 honest reasons you need Japanese slang words and why they are so vital to truly learning and mastering the language. Teachers may normally cringe at the thought of their students learning Japanese slang words. After all, slang words and phrases are typically defined as being grammatically incorrect. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak Japanese? Here are 4 of the top reasons why you should study slang words and expressions when learning Japanese or any new language. Create Your Free Lifetime Account and Start Learning the whole Japanese Language from the Beginning! 1. Native Speakers Use Slang Expressions in Everyday Conversation If you are going to study a foreign... Show more

Japan exclusive rarest Pokemon! Pokemon Go finally released!

After having been delayed many times for different reasons, the mobile-gaming sensation, Pokemon Go, is finally released in its home country: Japan! Are you already on your way to be the very best like no ever was? After reading this post you’ll discover the rarest Pokemon in Japan and you’ll learn how to be the ポケモンマスター (“Pokemon Master”) in Japanese! From rumoured release to multiple delay, the mythical creature franchise, Nintendo has been keeping us waiting without official launch date for weeks. “When will it finally come out in Japan? Isn’t it Nintendo home country!?”. But after painfully watching Pokemon Go being released all over the world, Japanese residents finally get the chance to be back on track! Pokemon Go... Show more

How will learning Japanese make you rich?

The chance to speak with other people in their native tongue and the love for a culture can be all the motivation you need to learn a new language. The money on top is an added bonus, but we will tell you how this hobby can turn into a source of revenue! For Japanese beginners: Click here to learn the most common phrases! 1) If you have language skills beyond your colleagues who just speak English, and if your company needs those skills to open new markets or reach new customers, you are much more valuable than other employees. A lot of people are getting big raises for this reason. 2) You can make some extra money with your language skills as a teacher. You can work for yourself, give private lessons at night after... Show more

JapanesePod101 Free Lifetime Account: Is it really free?

You want to learn Japanese but you don't want to spend a cent. You don't want to lose time creating an account if they ask you for your credit card just after. For you Japanese learner, we tell you how you will access great resources for free for life and without card or having to pay. This is your unique path to fluency for free. JapanesePod101 is not really free, is it? Although there are paid plans, yes, it is FREE. Every single lesson that we have ever created has been free for a certain period of time. And every new audio and video lesson (we publish 3-5 lessons a week) is completely free to access for 3 weeks before going into our lesson library. What's a Free Lifetime Account? A Free Lifetime Account is – simply put – a... Show more

Learn to Read and Write Japanese Kanji Characters

You all have experienced that feeling, right? …Or this one. But what if I told you… THIS IS POSSIBLE NOW! With this new series, you will discover the Radical Approach to Mastering Kanji. It’s perfect for Japanese Beginners! You’ll learn how to read, write and understand Kanji through an easy, step-by-step method – radicals – the building blocks of Kanji. And here is the first Kanji achievement you can successfully unlock: one of the most useful characters, the radical for “person,” 亻. Next episodes of this series to Master Kanji are already available on the wesbite! You are just a click away from becoming a Kanji Master!