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Archive for the 'Japanese Alphabet' Category

How Long Does it Take to Learn Japanese?

If you’re like most aspiring learners, you may be wondering: How long does it take to learn Japanese? Some people think that learning Japanese is too hard, that it takes forever and requires tremendous painstaking effort. But is that really true? The answer to this question varies depending on multiple factors, such as your... ...mother tongue....educational background....previous language learning experience....level of interest and enthusiasm....learning goals....study methods. In this article, we’ll give you some insight on how long it takes to learn Japanese for the different proficiency levels, keeping these influencing factors in mind. We'll also provide tips to help you make the most of your study time.  Are you ready?... Show more

Is Japanese Hard to Learn?

If you’re interested in learning the Japanese language but haven’t started yet, you may still be wondering: "Is Japanese hard to learn?" or "What are the hardest and easiest parts of learning Japanese?" No worries! We’ll explain everything you need to know about learning Japanese right here in this article. Japanese is a unique and fascinating language. Although it’s spoken primarily in Japan, knowing the language is useful not only for fans of Japanese anime and manga, but also for those traveling in Japan. Even a basic understanding of Japanese will allow travelers to enjoy Japan’s wonderful culture to the fullest extent possible, and it’s essential for business if you’re interested in the Asian market. Considering that Japanese is... Show more

Learn About the Common Japanese Mistakes Students Make

Making mistakes is a matter of course when learning a new language. It’s actually good to make a lot of mistakes, because as you learn from correcting them, you’ll deepen your understanding of the language. There are many common mistakes in Japanese that are easy for new learners to make. This is due to Japanese honorifics (which are unfamiliar to many learners), the various forms of postpositional particles, different grammar structures than in English, and so on. Although it seems complicated at first, once you get used to the patterns, you’ll surely improve your skills and know how to correct yourself when you make a mistake in Japanese.In this article, we’ll introduce the most common mistakes people make when learning Japanese.... Show more

Talk About Family in Japanese: Father-in-Law and More!

Learning a foreign language isn’t only about the language itself, but also about its culture, customs, and society. Family is the minimum unit of a social group, and it’s important to understand its characteristics as this is closely related to culture and customs. When you learn how to explain your family in Japanese, it helps to expand your vocabulary and improve your communication skills in Japanese. Compared to English, there are many more words to describe family members in Japanese. These words are according to age and the style (formal and informal). For example, what is a Japanese father-in-law called? Let’s learn how to describe family in Japanese at JapanesePod101.com. Here’s our list of the most useful Japanese words and... Show more

The 10 Day Hiragana Challenge

September either sounds like back to school or end of holidays. Getting back to work? Well, that’s usually harder, but if the summer didn’t get rid of your motivation to learn Japanese, then you’re about to start on the bleeding edge thanks to: The 10 Day Hiragana Challenge The "Challange" is quite simple: within 10 days you’ll be able to perfectly READ and WRITE all Hiragana. That’s all you’ll need to master one of the three alphabets of Japanese language. From Tuesday, the 6th of September we will release one video per day during 10 days on our YouTube channel, to give you all the resources and tips to learn those Japanese characters. Every day from the 6th to the 15th, Risa will teach you the secret to easily learning 46... Show more

Learn to Read and Write Japanese Kanji Characters

You all have experienced that feeling, right? …Or this one. But what if I told you… THIS IS POSSIBLE NOW! With this new series, you will discover the Radical Approach to Mastering Kanji. It’s perfect for Japanese Beginners! You’ll learn how to read, write and understand Kanji through an easy, step-by-step method – radicals – the building blocks of Kanji. And here is the first Kanji achievement you can successfully unlock: one of the most useful characters, the radical for “person,” 亻. Next episodes of this series to Master Kanji are already available on the wesbite! You are just a click away from becoming a Kanji Master!

Top 5 pop culture things/icons you need to know about Japan

Japan is a country rich in pop culture that has started to gain recognition and popularity throughout the world. As popular culture changes quickly and drastically, we focus this lesson on the most recent pop culture. Popular Music Japan boasts the second largest music industry in the world after the United States. Pop music is especially popular in Japan, although you can find all sorts of music in Japan done by Japanese artists-including rock, rap, hip-hop, reggae, and more. Popular Movies Recently, the popularity of domestic Japanese movies has been on the rise, with the annual box-office revenue for domestic movies hitting an all-time high in 2008. Of the top Japanese films of 2008, the highest-grossing... Show more

Japanese Pitch Accent

Can you imagine offering to buy your new girlfriend a box of "rain" while shopping in Tokyo instead of "candy?" Impressive if you can pull it off, but not much help if she has a sweet tooth! When you can hear and say the pitch properly in Japanese, you won't be caught making embarrassing mistakes! Pitch accent refers to a characteristic of language where every syllable can be pronounced with a high or low pitch. Pitch accent is considered different from the concepts of stress and tone that appear in English and Chinese, respectively. English: Stress Chinese: Tones Japanese: Pitch Some assert that English has over 30,000 syllabic sounds. In contrast, Japanese has only 111 (112, according to some linguists). There are many... Show more

Did You Just Call Me Grandma?

The concept of long and short vowel sounds is an important concept to understand when learning Japanese pronunciation. Vowels can be lengthened, and there is a very distinct difference between long and short vowels. Note that in this lesson, a macron (small horizontal line over a vowel) denotes a long vowel that we hold for twice as long as a regular vowel. double vowels and vowel pairs Sounds like... ああ aa あー ahh いい ii いー ee うう uu うー  ooh ええ ee えい ei えー ehh おお oo おう ou おー ohh In many cases, whether the vowel is long or short will determine the meaning of the word. Let's illustrate this with some examples: かど カード kado kaado "corner" "card" in the case of kaado ... Show more

The Second One Counts!

You try your hand at Japanese at the ramen shop, and ask for "plain" ramen...but your bowl comes back covered in clams! Turns our you asked for asari ("clams"); when you meant assari ("plain"). in Japanese, sometimes you will see double consonants in the middle of a word, like (kk, ss, tt, cc, etc.). Here, you need to pause in the middle as we take extra time to pronounce double constanents. As with the example of "asari" and "assari", the double consonants can really change the meaning of words, so it is key to not overlook them. Did you know about these very similar sounding words? にし (nishi)"west"  and  にっし (nisshi) "daily report スパイ (supai) "spy"  and  すっぱい (suppai) "sour" かた (kata) "shoulder"  and かった (katta)... Show more