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Archive for the 'Kanji Scrabble' Category

Everyone Wins! If You Played Kanji Scrabble Last Week, You’re a Winner!

Thanks for playing and for all the great feedback on our first-ever Kanji Scrabble game! 30+ people played Kanji Scrabble #01 by putting their answers on Twitter. Several more visited the blog and offered feedback and advice. When we created the game, we had no idea how it would go.  You took a chance on us by playing, so we want to say "Thank You!" for help making the game a success. So what do you win? Everyone who answered on Twitter or commented on the blog entry gets a 1-month Basic Subscription ($8). Our way of saying thank you! What do you do if you've won? If you played, you won. Simply e-mail us contactus@japanesepod101.com with your JapanesePod101 username and Twitter username. (You'll need to be a member... Show more

Kanji Scrabble #01: Answers and Meanings

Thank you to all the Kanji Scrabble Twitter users and Bloggers! どうもありがとうございました! I think this is a really fun use of Twitter and am personally looking forward to each new game! We'll also post an update via blog post with detailed answers including the meaning and both Kana and Romaji readings to help you learn new vocabulary.  There were a few compounds that weren't noticed so this should be great for all levels of learners. Kanji Scrabble #1 Answers Kanji Kana English Meaning 日 ひ Sun, sunshine, day 一日 いちじつ One day, first off the month 一日一日 いちにちいちにち Gradually, day-by-day 一日中 いちにちじゅう Throughout the day 三十日 さんじゅうにち Thirty days, thirtieth day 三日 みっか Three days, the third (of the... Show more