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Betrayal Expressions Using

Aside from “back,” “stature,” and “height,” can mean “behind, to disobey, to defy, to go back on, to rebel.” I suppose a great deal can go on behind our backs! Here are some betrayal expressions including :

背信 (haishin: betrayal, infidelity)
     to disobey + fidelity

背反行為 (haihankōi: act of disobedience (betrayal), infraction)
     to disobey + anti- + conduct (last 2 chars.)

The last two kanji, 行為, break down further as to go + to do.

背徳 (haitoku: adultery, corruption, lapse from virtue)
     to go back on + benevolence

背任 (hainin: (legal) breach of trust)
     to disobey + responsibility

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