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Jewels of Many Colors

Japanese does have words for “white jewel,” “yellow jewel,” and so on, but these refer to gems, not onions!

白玉 (shiratama)                                  white + jewel

This means “white gem,” “pearl,” or “rice-flour dumpling”!

For a Deeper Look …

紅玉 (kōgyoku: ruby)                            red + jewel

You may be wondering why the first character isn’t (aka(i): red). I don’t know, but originally meant “red thread” and now simply means “red” or “crimson.”

黄玉 (ōgyoku or kōgyoku: topaz)          yellow + jewel

I didn’t know what color a topaz was until I encountered this compound in my kanji dictionary and recognized as “yellow.” Just one of many instances in which kanji has taught me about English! Note that 黄玉 can have the same reading (kōgyoku) as 紅玉, “ruby.” I imagine that could get a little confusing!

緑玉 (ryokugyoku: emerald)                 green + jewel

Ryokugyoku is one of those great Japanese words with internal rhymes. Imagine if Dorothy had spoken of the Ryokugyoku-shi again and again, instead of the Emerald City! The Wizard of Oz might have become a comedy just by virtue of that.

青玉 (seigyoku: sapphire)                      blue + jewel

This is my birthstone, in case you’re wondering what to buy me this September! The same compound (青玉) can also mean “bamboo.”

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