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Sample Sentences with 堪忍袋の緒が切れる

堪忍袋の緒が切れる (kanninbukuro no o ga kireru: to be out of patience; be unable to put up with something anymore)

When a word repeats on this page, I’ll define it just once.

Watashi no kanninbukuro no o ga kireta.
I’ve lost my patience.

(watashi: I)

Watashi wa reisei de iyō to shita ga, tōtō kanninbukuro no o ga kireta.
I tried to be calm, but I finally lost my temper.

冷静 (reisei: calm, composure, coolness, serenity)
     dispassionate + serene
いようとした (iyō to shita: tried to be)

This is from いる (iru: to be). The volitional form is いよう. And the volitional form + とする gives you “to try to do X.” In this case, する is in the past tense, so we have “tried to be.”

とうとう (tōtō: finally)

Mō gaman dekin. Kanninbukuro no o ga kireta.
I can’t take this anymore. I’ve completely lost my temper.

我慢する (gaman suru: to be patient; endure)
     self + proud
できん (dekin: can’t)

The する (suru) appears here in its potential form, できる (dekiru), but has been negated. That should give us できない (dekinai), except that it’s been shortened to できん (dekin), as sometimes happens in spoken Japanese.

If you haven’t run out of patience yet, you just might when you confront this whopper:


Tada de sae yatsu wa fudan kara shigoto ni okurete kuru kuse ni, sake made nonde kuru nante kanninbukuro no o ga kireta. Mō kaisha o yamete morau shika nai.

It was bad enough that he usually came to work late, but coming in drunk was the last straw, and I’m going to have to let him go.

ただでさえ (tada de sae: even under normal
(yatsu: guy)
普段 (fudan: usual)     common + case
仕事 (shigoto: work)     to serve + business
遅れる (okureru: to be late)
来る (kuru: to come)
くせに (kuse ni: and yet, though, when, in spite of)
(sake: alcohol)
まで (made: as far as)

The drunkard went as far as coming to work drunk. In thise case, the speaker has used an extended meaning of まで.

飲む (nomu: to drink)

I asked a native speaker where the adjective “drunk” enters into the sentence. He said that the two verbs 飲んで来る work together to convey “coming in drunk.”

なんて (nante: exclamation)

会社を辞める (kaisha o yameru: to leave the company)
     association + company + to resign

The -てもらう (-te morau) form means it would be a favor to the speaker if the drunkard left the company.

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