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Sample Sentences with 粗野

粗野 (soya: unpolished, rude, vulgar, rough)     coarse + unrefined

Ano chōhatsu no seinen wa soya da.
That long-haired youth is rude.

長髪 (chōhatsu: long hair)     long + hair
青年 (seinen: youth)     youthful + years

Kare wa totemo soya da. Kare no busahō ni wa gaman dekinai.
He’s so rude. I can’t put up with his bad manners.

(kare: he)
不作法 (busahō: bad manners; discourtesy)
     not + manners (last 2 chars.)
我慢する (gaman suru: to be patient)     self + proud

We just saw this two weeks ago.

Kare wa soyana kotobazukai no sei de gokai sarete iru.
He’s misunderstood because of his vulgar language.

(kare: he)
言葉使い (kotobazukai: speech, expression, wording)
     words (1st 2 chars.) + way of using

We just saw this word, too!

せい (sei: reason)
(gokai: misunderstanding)
     mistake + to understand

Dō yatte kimi no soyana taido o seitōka surun da.
How can you justify your rude behavior?

(kimi: you)
態度 (taido: attitude; behavior)     state + manner
正当化 (seitōka: justification; warrant)
     right + proper + to turn into

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