企 (KI, kuwada(teru): project, plan; to attempt, design, undertake)
Here are some words that use the on-yomi of 企:
企図 (kito: plan, project, scheme)
project + systematic plan
企画 (kikaku: plan, project) project + planAt least one word with the kun-yomi form has a similar meaning of “plan” or “project.”
企て (kuwadate: plan, scheme, project)
But others become downright sinister!
陰謀を企てる (inbō o kuwadateru: to plot against)
shade + scheme + to plan
The first character, 陰, is “shade” or “shadow,” a kanji I’m always excited to see and never manage to recognize. The second, 謀, is “plan, strategy.” Together, they give us 陰謀 (inbō: plot intrigue, conspiracy).
殺害を企てる (satsugai o kuwadateru: to make an attempt on a person’s life) to kill + harm + to attempt
The first kanji is koro(su), “to kill.” We’ve seen the second in 迫害 (hakugai: persecution, oppression, to force + harm).