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Hint 2: The Yomi of All the Kanji

Here’s the quiz again, this time with a full list of yomi and definitions below it.


What Does It Say?


The yomi and meanings of :

KAKU, obo(eru): to remember, bear in mind, learn, feel, experience
obo(ezu): involuntarily, unwittingly, in spite of oneself
obo(shii): looking like, apparently
sa(meru), sa(masu): to wake up
sato(ru): to realize

Additional kanji and vocabulary:

(me: eye)
時計 (tokei: clock)
(na(ru): to sound, to ring)
(yume: dream)
(naka: middle)
出来事 (dekigoto: events)
(na(kunaru): to die)
(ane: elder sister)
洋服 (yōfuku: Western-style clothes)
(ki(ru): to wear)
(namida: tears)
(de(ru): to come out)
(toki: time)
(shita(u): to love dearly)
(GEN: illusion, vision)
(KYŪ: smell)
(CHŌ: to listen)
(KAN: feeling)
(sa(eru): to be clear)
世界 (sekai: world)
(omo(eru): to seem)

What the Passage Says and Means …

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