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Sample Sentences with 道順

道順 (michijun: itinerary; route)     the way + order

Chikatetsu no eki made no michijun o oshiete itadakemasen ka.
Can you give me directions to the subway station?

地下鉄 (chikatetsu: subway)   ground + under + railway

Although means “iron,” Halpern says that in this context, the character is actually an abbreviation of 鉄道 (tetsudō: railway, iron + road).

(eki: station)
(oshi(eru): to teach, tell)

Michijun wa gozonji desu ka.
Do you know how to get there?

This sentence is quite formal.

ご存知 (gozonji: knowing (honorific form))
     to know + to know

The kanji usually means “to exist.” But in this case, Halpern says “to know” or “to be aware of” is the appropriate definition.

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