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Verbal Logic Quizzes, May 2


Quiz 1: Matching

Here’s the YAKU list again:

(to promise, shrink, about)
(to translate)
(service, serviceability)
(to leap)
(benefit, profit) 

Drawing on anything you know about kanji, match each compound to its definition.

A. yakubun

1. 約分     a. reduction of a fraction (to lowest terms)
2. 訳文     b. a translation; translated sentence

B. kōyaku

1. 口約     a. public commitment or promise
2. 公約     b. plaster; ointment
3. 膏薬     c. verbal promise

C. kiyaku

1. 規約     a. irreducible
2. 既約     b. agreement, rules

D. zen’yaku

1. 前約     a. complete translation
2. 全訳     b. previous engagement

E. yakusha

1. 役者     a. actor, actress
2. 訳者     b. translator

F. hiyaku

1. 飛躍     a. secret medicine
2. 秘薬     b. leaping; to leapfrog (over a problem)

G. kan’yaku

1. 簡約     a. complete translation
2. 完訳     b. concise, simplified, abridged

Answers to Quiz 1 …


Quiz 2: More Matching

Match the rhyming words with the kanji. Assign all the lettered options to the numbered words.

1. 大役       a. haiyaku
2. 対訳       b. saiyaku
3. 背約       c. kaiyaku
4. 改訳       d. taiyaku
5. 災厄
6. 大厄
7. 解約
8. 配役

Answers to Quiz 2 …

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