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Variations on Kuchimame

口忠実 (kuchimame: talkative)     mouth + loyalty + faithfulness

This word sounds dangerously like the slang “hoochie mama,” but that term doesn’t seem to uplift womankind, so I won’t linger there. Fortunately, the yomi kuchimame changes radically with just one alteration. If you take away the first kanji, look what happens:

忠実 (chūjitsu: faithful, devoted, loyal)
     loyalty + faithfulness

We’ve eliminated the mouth, which produced talkativeness (and possibly lies and excuses). Now we have only admirable traits in our ingredients, and they produce steadfast loyalty.

Although it’s uncommon to read 忠実 as mame, that is indeed a possibility. And when you double the word and add しい, the yomi of mame (or mamemame) is your only option:

忠実忠実しい (mamemameshii: hardworking,

We’ve got such a positive vibe going that I’m almost afraid to reintroduce a body part. Will the nuance sour again? Nope! Take a look at this word:

足忠実 (ashimame: good or tireless walker)
     legs, feet + loyalty + faithfulness

Faithful feet! I need to get me some of those (and then get a geta for those faithful feet!).

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