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Sample Sentences with 実際

実際 (jissai: truth, reality, actual, real, practical)     reality + occasion, time

Sore wa jissai ni atta koto da.
That was an actual fact.

(koto: fact)

Shikashi, jissai ni wa sō de wa nai.
But this is not true.

Kare wa gaiken wa yūfuku sō da ga jissai wa sō de nai.
He is wealthy in appearance but not in reality.

(kare: he)
外見 (gaiken: outward appearance)     outside + to see
裕福 (yūfuku: affluence, prosperity)
     abundant + fortune

Kare wa jibun ga hito ka dono jinbutsu da to omotte iru ga, jissai wa, toru ni taranai jinbutsu de aru.
He thinks he is somebody, but actually he is nobody.

Wow, that’s pretty harsh. Sounds like one of those “frankly” sentences.

(kare: he)
自分 (jibun: oneself)     self + part
人物 (jinbutsu: person)     person + person

In addition to meaning “thing,” can mean “person”!

(omo(u): to think)
取るに足らない (toru ni taranai: worthless)
     to take + to be sufficient (in neg. form)

The first kanji means to take. And the second? We often see it as ashi, which means “foot” or “leg.”

as a Sufficient Leg …

With the kun-yomi of ta(ru), the character can also mean “to suffice.” If you pick up (取る) something, but it’s insufficient, that makes it worthless—or at least not worth the effort. The negative form 取るに足らない is used much more often than the positive form 取るに足る.

Digitated Socks …

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