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Kanji Breakdown #1

Shimekiri ni owarete imasen ka?
Aren’t you chased by deadlines?

締め切り (shimekiri: deadline)     tighten + to cut!
(o(u): to chase)

In its passive form, 追われる (owareru), the verb means “to be chased by.”

Kitto saigo no oikomi o shite iru no deshō ne.
By now you must surely be in the final stages.

最後 (saigo: last)     utmost + behind
追い込み (oikomi: final stages)     to pursue + to drive inward

Including both 最後 and 追い込み in a sentence might seem redundant. But 最後の追い込み is an established expression, so it sounds natural to native speakers. Moreover, 追い込み refers to the stage (or stages) when activity reaches maximum intensity, which usually happens toward the end of a task. The temporal sense of 追い込み is not particularly strong, however, so the word doesn’t convey the same thing as 最後.

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