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On the Shapes in 追白

追白 (tsuihaku: postscript, P.S.)     additional + to mention

I like the near-repetition of shapes here. With a little smushing and some tugging here and there, could become (HAKU, sema(ru)), yielding a perfect repetition of shapes in 迫白, if there were such a compound. The character means “to press, to urge, to force.” It shows up in the following words:

迫害 (hakugai: persecution, oppression)
     to force + harm

圧迫する (appaku suru: to press, oppress)
     pressure + to press

急迫 (kyūhaku: urgency)
     urgent, pressing + to press

辞職を迫る (jishoku o semaru: to urge to resign)
     to resign + employment + to urge

Also take note of this word:

窮迫 (kyūhaku: straitened circumstances, distress)
     to be in extremity, to be in distress + to force

I mention this because we’ll briefly look at next week.

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