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Verbal Logic Quiz, December 21



Match the compounds and their breakdowns with the correct definitions. Multiple answers are possible.

1. 寝込む (nekomu)
     to sleep + to be intensely involved in an activity, to be crowded

a. to oversleep
b. to fall asleep
c. to have too many people in one’s bed
d. to be sick in bed

2. 寝坊 (nebō)     to sleep + term of endearment

a. affectionate feeling toward a lover upon awakening
b. sleepyhead (said affectionately)
c. to love sleeping
d. to love those who sleep a lot

3. 浮き寝 (ukine)     to float + to sleep

a. to feel that one is floating while asleep
b. sleeping in a ship
c. (bird) sleeping on the surface of the water
d. restless sleep

4. 雑魚寝 (zakone)     small fish (1st 2. chars., which break down as blended + fish) + to sleep

a. to sleep with the fish
b. to sleep while fishing
c. to sleep in a huddle or group
d. small, sleeping fish

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