The pronunciation of 看護 (kango) or “to nurse” and 介護 (kaigo) or “to care” are similar, but what are the differences in meaning?
First, let’s take a look at 看護. The 看 character has 手 or “hand” above the 目 or “eye”. This has the meaning of hooding your hand over your eyes and looking fixedly. Therefore, instead of blankly gazing at something, it represents “looking at something with much caution, to watch over”.
Next, let’s look at 介. 八 or “eight” is written under人 or “person”. This 八 represents dividing up onto both sides and watching over and serving the thing in the middle from both the left and right side. It’s not commonly used, but the character 介 has the kunyomi (type of Japanese reading of character) of “holding” and “helping”. That’s why nursing is about supporting and helping the other person using their arms.
Lastly, let’s look at the common kanji 護 that is seen in both compounds. It has a 言 gonben, which means that it has something to do with words . The 蒦 on the right side has the meaning of “to hold as if engulfing with your hands around”. So, the character護 conveys “talking to the person while protecting them from the outside.”
“To nurse” and “to care” have slightly different meanings, but they have the common point of treating people carefully.