Advance Japanese Lesson – Haiku: 閑(しづ)かさや (Stillness)


閑(しづ)かさや岩にしみ入(い)る蝉の声 松尾芭蕉





In the world of haiku, Matsuo Basho is very famous figure. He created the foundations of haiku, and researched this form of expression by artistically recording his impressions from his travels. This haiku from the representative collection “The Narrow Road to the Interior” is a work about summertime:

How still it is here – stinging into the stones, the locusts’ trill
By Matsuo Basho

The word “Shizuka” in Japanese expresses a state without sound which in most cases is written using the kanji character “静.” But, while this character expresses “a quieted state without sound or motion,” the character used in this haiku “閑” (also read Shizuka) expresses “a languid, relaxed state of quiet calm.” And by the way, since kana was used in a different way during the period when this haiku was written, the reading of “閑” is written as “shidzuka” (しづか) but can be pronounced “shizuka” (しずか.)

Then, there is mention of ‘the locusts’ trill.’ Basho says that it is as if the insects’ voices seep into the stones all round them.

This haiku was created at Ryushakuji Temple in Yamagata prefecture. It is said that many have traversed the rugged and rocky mountain trails of the temple to study the teachings of Buddha there. Basho probably climbed the same treacherous paths himself, wiping the sweat from his brow as he walked. Along these paths the cries of locusts are the only thing one hears. He may have stopped for a moment of calm and listened to them.

But even this famous haiku is said to have been re-written 3 times. The work was written in 1689, when the author was about 46 years old.