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Breakdown of the Kanji #2

一味 (ichimi: clan, gang)     one + companion

“Oi, damare. Kuchikazu ga ōi zo” to sono ichimi no naka de ichiban wakai no ga itta.
“Hey, shut up! You talk too much,” said the youngest of the gangsters.

(dama(ru): to become silent, to be silent)
口数が多 (kuchikazu ga ō(i): talkative)
     mouth + number + many

By itself, 口数 (kuchikazu) can mean “number of words” or “speech.” The way to refer to a reticent person is 口数が少 (kuchikazu ga suku(nai): mouth + number + few).

一番若 (ichiban waka(i): youngest)

一番(ichiban: the most)
     one + number in a series
(waka(i): young)

(i(u): to say)

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