1. 順々 (junjun: in order, by turns) order + order
Shōnentachi wa mina junjunni hanashita.
All the boys spoke in turn.少年 (shōnen: boy) few + years
皆 (mina: all; everyone)
話 (hana(su): to speak)
2. 順番 (junban: order, one’s turn, order of things; sequential order)
order + ranking
Junban o omachi kudasai.
Wait for your turn, please.待 (ma(tsu): to wait)
Watashitachi wa kare no junban o wazato tobashita.
We skipped his turn on purpose.An interesting expression of cruelty! Tantalizing to imagine the scene that prompted this sentence!
私たち (watashitachi: we)
彼 (kare: him)
わざと (wazato: on purpose)
飛 (to(basu): to skip over)一人一人順番に立って、自己紹介をした。
Hitori hitori junban ni tatte, jiko-shōkai o shita.
Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself.一人一人 (hitori hitori: one by one; each; one at a time) one + person + one + person
立 (ta(tsu): to stand up)
自己紹介 (jiko-shōkai: self-introduction)
self + oneself + to introduce + to mediate
As 順番 is pretty close in meaning to 順々, we could double the fun by changing the sentence to this:
Hitori hitori junjunni tatte, jiko-shōkai o shita.