August 2016 Recap – Japanese Made Easy

Hello Learners, and welcome to your Monthly Recap that will make Japanese easier to learn!

Through this post, you will:
– Receive your free ebook in PDF form to easily master Top 1500 Japanese Kanji
– Know the latest update and upcoming features on
– Catch up with posts and video released this month that you shouldn’t have missed

japanesepod101 monthly recap


  1. New Lessons
  2. Itadakimasu! Super Sushi Ninja Challenge
  3. Current Offers
  4. YouTube Videos You Shouldn’t Have Missed in July
  5. Top Blog Articles in July
  6. JapanesePod101 Corner

1. New Lessons Top

(Beginner) Must-Know Japanese Sentence Structures #4 – Must-Know Japanese Sentence Structures: Asking About Location or Position
The Sentence Patterns series brings you a great new way to learn Japanese! With this series, you’ll build on your conversation skills by learning the most common and useful sentence patterns in Japanese.
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the sentence pattern “Where is A?”

(Bonus course) Japanese Vocab Builder #54 – Crossing Borders
Our Japanese vocabulary lists are listener favorites, and now we’ve made it even better! In each lesson, you’ll hear the Japanese words and phrases from the Japanese vocabulary lists. Join us for Japanese Vocab Builder!
In this lesson, you’ll learn words and phrases for Crossing Borders.

2. Itadakimasu! Super Sushi Ninja Challenge Top

We just started the Super Sushi Ninja Challenge on August 2nd, 2016. You will have until Monday, August 8th to send a video of you ordering Sushi in Japanese, in any restaurant serving this dish. Participants all over the world will get a chance to win a box full of Japanese treats!

Find more details about the challenge and learn how to order sushi in Japanese here!

sushi ninja challenge japanesepod101 learn japanese

3. Current Offers Top

Get the free book in PDF form to easily master 1500 Kanji with your Free Lifetime Account
You’ll learn how to read, write and understand kanji through an easy, step-by-step method. By the end, you’ll master over 75% of the must-know joyo kanji! In other words, you’ll know MORE words and read and understand a TON more Japanese!

Your WTF deal! Get 30% OFF Premium on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday only!
30% OFF Premium to start speaking Japanese is a big deal. This is why the deal only lasts for 72 hours! Unlock our ENTIRE learning system – ALL audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, Premium study tools and more! That’s as low as $7/month and up to $72 OFF for FULL access! Ends 8/5/2016!

Until Friday! Click Here to Learn Japanese with a BIGGER 30% Discount!

4. YouTube Videos You Shouldn’t Have Missed in July Top

Learn the Top 10 Sad Words in Japanese

Introduction to Kanji Script – Woman Radical 女

Ask a Japanese Teacher! What is DESU?

5. Top July Blog Articles Top

Japanese Honorifics Guide: San, Kun, Chan, Sama and More

Have you ever felt confused about all those -kun, -chan and -senpai you hear when watching anime?. After reading this post your Japanese will sound more natural as you will learn how to use Japanese honorifics!

Top 10 Language Learning Strategies

Learning a new languages is not an easy task. It’s difficult to find one method what suits you best. In this post we’ll tell you about 10 proven simple learning strategies to help you boost your language skill.

How Will Learning Japanese Make You Rich

When learning a new language the money on top is an added bonus, but we will tell you how this hobby can turn into a source of revenue!

6. JapanesePod101 Corner Top

Your are more than 396,000 to have subscribed to our YouTube channel, 108,000 to have liked our Facebook page and 18,000 to follow us on Twitter! There is only one word for this: ありがとう!

Your support is precious and the more engaged your are the further we will take you in your way to Japanese fluency. Like it, talk about it to your friends, grandparents or your goldfish, we have tips to improve memory, don’t worry!

The more you’ll share, the more content and free books we will be able to create for you. Let’s keep it up together!