Getting Sporty at Innovative Language

Today, we bring you another blog post from Motoko, lesson creator, host and Office Party Planner! Motoko will be sharing more bilingual posts on our blog, so check back often and leave a comment!

Hi listeners! Motoko here. In this blog, I would like to talk about our trip to Round1. This was the second event we held while Eran was here (actually, we went there in November! :p). Round1 is one of the Japanese amusement complexes that have a variety of athletic fields for sport and other indoor activities. It is also famous for “Spo-cha,” (short for “sports challenge”) which is the name of the kind of service Round1 offers.

You just pay the fee for 1 or 3 hours and then enjoy as many sports and arcade games as you like. We call it ‘1-jikan asobi hōdai’ or ‘3-jikan asobi hōdai’ (1時間遊び放題 or 3時間遊び放題).

I tried rollerblading for the first time in my life and it was REALLY difficult even just moving forward. (So one of my co-workers rescued me. It was a very good experience though!)

Even if you are not good at sport, you can still find something to enjoy. There are arcade games (for free!), darts, a rodeo bull machine, and karaoke!

When you’re hanging out with a group of friends in Japan, Round1 is a great place to go!

(Dec 2012)


みなさん、こんにちは。もとこです。今回はラウンドワン(Round1)について話したいと思います。エランさんが東京に来たとき、イノベーティブのスタッフで行きました。2回目のイベントです。(本当は11月に行きました。(●´ω`●)ゞ)。 ラウンドワンはスポーツアトラクション施設です。たくさんコートがあって、色々なスポーツをすることができます。また、ほかの室内(しつない)での遊びをすることもできます。このサービスは「スポッチャ」という名前でも有名です。(スポッチャは「スポーツ チャレンジ」の省略だそうです。)


