Pictures From Around The Office Post Quake

Thank you everyone for your outpouring concern for the safety of our staff. The unfolding events of the last week have been stressful, but compared to others, we have been very lucky. For the time being, the Innovative Language Learning office has closed until after the long weekend. This is a precautionary measure, as many of us have worried family members back home and other affairs to attend to post-quake. We hope you understand and we do look forward to resuming normal (or as normal as can be) operations soon.

Many of you have been asking for updates. Here are a few pictures to share of the JapanesePod101 office after the earthquake hit Japan on Friday.

Upstairs at Erklaren
Upstairs of our office, some bookshelves toppled over. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

Wall Cracks
Our building was damaged a little but we’ve been assured by a building inspector that we’re safe. Phew!

After the first earthquake, we took refuge outside with the rest of downtown Tokyo. No one wanted to go back inside and we were in awe watching buildings sway back in forth like twigs. Rest assured, they’re built to do that.

This is the instant noodle aisle of our local convenience store the evening of the earthquake. Bread and bottles of water were also gone however, life is resuming back to normal in Tokyo and shelves are slowly being restocked.