FREE Japanese Language Applications and Assistance in Aftermath of 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

You have probably heard about the tragic events of March 11, 2011 in Japan. (Learn more.)

First, our deepest condolences to all the people who have suffered losses from the tragic event.

Fortunately, here at our Tokyo office everyone is okay. We can’t thank you enough for all of your encouraging and supportive messages. It really meant a tremendous amount to us during yesterday’s events, and even more as the true scale of the disaster unfolded.

Unfortunately, Japan was hit very hard. The scale of the damage is not fully understood, but the damage in Northern Japan seems extensive. Yesterday was spent tending to our families and friends and ensuring everyone was okay. We are now ready to do everything in our power to help the people hardest hit.

To start, we are making our most popular iPhone Japanese Language applications FREE. We imagine that there will be a growing need for Japanese language resources in the coming days, and we are going to do everything we can to assist.

Through March 19th, download these iPhone Japanese applications FREE.

Also, if you are with a relief organization or part of the relief effort, we are ready to help. We would be happy to provide you with any of our resources for FREE. Please contact us contacts[@] or info [@]

Need Japanese language help?

If you need Japanese language assistance related to the emergency, please leave us a comment or send us an e-mail. We’ll do our best to respond in a timely manner.

Thank you for all your prayers, messages and support. There are many in Japan who you are helping.