In this lesson, we’ll teach you the top five useful classroom phrases in Japanese, and then some!
“Please say it.” / “Please repeat.”
- Itte kudasai (言っ てください) means “please say it.” As a variation, you might also hear ripīto shite kudasai (リピートしてください), which means “please repeat (after me),” when teachers want you to repeat exactly what they have said.
“Please look.”
- Mite kudasai (見てください) means “please look,” and when an object comes before the phrase, it means “please look at (object).
“Please read.”
- Yonde kudasai (読んでください) means “please read.” You can expect to hear this phrase if a teacher wants you to practice reading some word, phrase, or passage.
“Please write it.”
- Kaite kudasai (書いてください) means “please write it.” Teachers may use this phrase when they want you to practice writing some hiragana, katakana, or even kanji!
“Do you understand?”
- The most direct translation is wakarimasu ka? (分かりますか?).
- Other variations Japanese teachers often use include daijōbu desu ka? (大丈夫ですか?) and ii desu ka? (いいですか?) which both literally translate to “Is it/everything okay?”
- they might also ask shitsumon arimasu ka? (質問ありますか?), which means “Are there any questions?”
We hope that these phrases can help you get a head start in the classroom! please check out our other lesson series at for more great usefull phrases!!