めでたい席である結婚式では、その雰囲気を壊さないために、不吉な事柄を連想させる語を避ける風潮があります。例えば、夫婦の別離を連想させる「別れる」「切れる(切る)」(夫婦の縁が切れる)「終わる」(結婚生活が終わる、すなわち離婚する)「離れる」(離婚する)などです。では、「ケーキを切る」とか「披露宴を終わる」といったような内容を表現したいときにはどうしたらよいのでしょう? これは、「ケーキにナイフを入れる」、「披露宴をお開きにする」などと縁起のよいことばに言い換えれば解決します。
“ The June bride will be happy” is said about June brides. Although it apparently comes from a Europe, this month is also wedding season in Japan.
Today, we will introduce words that are related to weddings.
In order to not ruin the atmosphere of a happy wedding ceremony, there’s a tendency to avoid words that can be associated with bad manners. For example, “to be divided”, “to cut”, (they will separate), “to finish” (the marriage will end, that is they will divorce) “to separate” (they will divorce) are words that are associated with the separation of a married couple.
Now, how would you express matters such as “cut the cake” or “finish the wedding reception”? You can solve this by using words that are of good fortune, such as “put a knife in the cake” or “call it a day for the reception”.
Words that are better avoided for a celebration include words that repeat themselves to emphasize meanings such as kasanegasane , or kureguremo. These are called kasane kotoba “repeating words” and suggest that there will be another wedding (that this marriage will not go well). As an example, let’s take a look at the expression kenko ni kureguremo ki o tsukete “take extra care of your health.” The saying has a meaning that wishes the couple well, but if said as “kenko ni juubun ki o tsukete “take extra care of your health” you don’t break the atmosphere and can express your goodwill towards the marrying couple.
The idea that “words that are of good fortune draw in good things, and words with bad fortune summon bad things” can be seen in such areas as well.