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Advanced Japanese Lesson: 海のつく動物 (Animals that contain the “sea” character)



では、「海象」は? 肌の質感がゾウに似た海の生き物…セイウチです。確かに両者とも、灰色でごつごつ、ざらざらした皮膚をしていますからね。

さらに、「海猟」は? この他にも「猟虎」と書いて同じ読み方をする生き物ですよ。「ラッコ」と読みます。ラッコはイタチの仲間で、外見も似ていますね。しかも、毛皮が珍重されて狩猟対象だった(「海」と「狩猟」の「猟」の文字を組み合わせて「ラッコ」と読ませていますよ)ことも共通点です。

最後に、「海栗」は? 寿司のネタとしても人気の高いおいしい生き物であることがヒントです。これは「ウニ」と読みます。栗のような黄色い色合いといい、甘みといい、まさにウニは「海の栗」といえるでしょう。


Can you read the kanji 海豚?

Since the character 海 or “sea” can been seen, you can guess that it has something to do with marine life.  However, it is hard to imagine something that lives in the sea that looks like a 豚 or “pig”.  This is read as iruka or“dolphin.”  Since it is also a mammal, as well as classified as being part of the artiodactyl family in biology, this kanji was chosen.

Then, what’s 海象?  The marine animal that has the same skin texture as an elephant… it is a walrus. It is true that both have gray, rough, rugged skin.

Additionally, what’s 海猟? This can also be written as 猟虎 and read the same way.  It is read as rakko or “sea otter.” The sea otter is part of the weasel family and its appearance also looks similar.  It was also a target for hunting since its fur was of high value (combining 海 or “sea” and the 猟 from 狩猟 or “hunting” is read as sea otter.) which is also a common point.

Lastly, how about 海栗?  A clue is that it is also a popular and delicious topping for sushi. This is read as uni or “sea urchin”.  Having a yellow hue like a chestnut, as well as having the sweetness, it can be said that the sea urchin is the “ocean’s chestnut”.

If you look at these ways of reading that are particular to Japan, you can picture the trouble taken to apply the right kanji.