Advanced Japanese Lesson: 雨かんむり(Ame kanmuri)







The kanji 雨 or “rain” is a representation of how rain falls from the sky, and is a character that looks like a drawing.  Now, if you write the character下 or “below” under 雨, how would you read the character?

The anwer is shizuku or drop.  This way of reading is particular to Japan, and this kanji does not represent water trickling in China.  Furthermore, the character 滴 or “drop” as in 水滴 or “water drop”,  is used for water other than rain, for example the “drops in shower water” or “tears”.  Generally, only rain drops are represented by the 雫 character.

Now, what do you think the kanji 雲 or “cloud” has to do with rain?  The 云 or “speak about” under 雨 represents “the rising vapors blocked in an area like a ceiling, and appears to be misty” with its lines.  In other words, “clouds” are “misty filling vapors.”  Additionally, 云 can be found in the kanji 魂 or “spirit”, since spirits are not something that have shape, but rather they’re this misty thing that is believed to “somehow or someway be there.”

By the way, what do you think of 電 or “electricity”?  A long time ago, the character 申 or “to report” was written under 雨, but gradually it changed to the character shape today.  申 represents the long stretch of lightning that stretches to the ground (申 can also be seen in the kanji 伸 or “stretch”).

Furthermore, can you read the kanji 霧 or “fog”? This is read as kiri.  The 務 or “task” under 雨 means “searching for by fumbling”,  since in a fog, the misty vapors block the surrounding view, one needs to feel their way through.  When this situation is represented in kanji,  it becomes霧.

Lastly, 霜 or “frost” is read as shimo.  The 相 or “together” portion means “vertically facing each other, separately standing in a line”, and is said that the kanji was made after seeing icicles lined vertically.

Originally, 相 is 木 or “tree” + 目 or “eye”,  and these are aligned facing each other, which describes looking at a tree with your eyes.  相 can also be found in the character for the national sport 相撲 or “sumo”. This is because the match starts with two wrestlers standing and facing each other.