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Advanced Japanese Lesson: 梅一輪(Ume ichirin)

梅一輪 一輪ほどの 暖かさ    服部嵐雪






A single plum flower, a single flower’s worth of warmth   Ransetsu Hattori

During the continuing intense coldness, one can’t wait for the warmth of spring. A haiku expressing such a feeling will be introduced.

Ransetsu the writer was one of the excellent pupils of Basho Matsuo, and was successful during the Edo Period. The poem at the top is his masterpiece.  It means, “One plum flower bloomed. As though the winter’s cold is slightly easing, I can feel spring’s faint warmth from that one plum flower.

In one of the three great essays of Japan, “Makura no Soshi or The Pillow Book” Seishonagon noted the following. “Whether they are dark red or light red, all are splendid red plum flowers.”
Today, cherry blossoms are popularly known to be the representational flower for spring, however, long ago; the plum flower was known to be the flower for spring. Plum flowers are also mentioned more than cherry blossoms in the wakas in “Manyoushu or A Collection of a Myriad Leaves”.

The round shape of the petals look very sweet, and the white, pink and red colors can also make you feel lively. On top of this, the scent that floats about and is carried by the spring breeze has also been liked by people since the ancient times.  In the withered scenery of winter, between the cold trees where the buds have not shown their faces yet gently blooms the plum flower. The plum flower which is also known as “Harutsugegusa or spring announcing flower” tells us of the changing seasons when we don’t realize it.