In the calendar which was used in Japan until the Meiji era, 一月 (いちがつ, “first month” or “January”) was called 睦月 (むつき). Needless to say, 一月 is the same as 正月, and means “the first month after celebrating the New Year”.
So how did 一月 come to be called 睦月?
The character 睦 became the base for the character 陸 (りく). The part on the right side of the kanji is a symbol devised to express the meaning of “earth collected together and swelling up”. From here the character 睦 came to mean “lots of people gathering together in a friendly way”. 睦 is also a part of the word 和睦 (わぼく), which means “reconciliation” or “rapprochement”.
Now, we can see the origins of the word 睦月(むつき) in literature of the Kamakura/Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE). New Year is defined there as “the month in which family and friends, regardless of differences in social standing, age, etc., go to each other’s homes and cordially celebrate the new year”. It seems that the word for this, むつびつき (literally “harmonious month”) was gradually simplified into むつき.
In addition to this, there is also a theory that むつき originally came from 実月(むつき), which originated from the meaning of “the month in which the rice-plant seeds (稲の実) are first watered”. Furthermore, there is also the theory that むつき came from もとつき, meaning “the month which becomes the origin (元、もと) of the whole year”.
But, it would be great if we could not only in January but always get on well with and make friendly contact with everyone around us.