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Advanced Japanese Lesson:柊(Hiiragi)






では、「木」と「秋」の組み合わせでは? 「楸」(ひさぎ)ですが、常用漢字ではないため、初めて見た人がほとんどでしょう。



Do you know the kanji that combines the characters for “tree” (木)and “winter” (冬)?

It’s 柊(ひいらぎ), meaning “holly olive”. This kanji was created in Japan, and came from the concept of white flowers that come into bloom around the early winter or tenth month of the old calendar: 木 (tree) + 冬 (winter).

The holly olive is a shrub with evergreen thorny leaves characteristic of the olive family of plants. It grows naturally in comparatively warm mountainous areas from Honshu all the way to Shikoku and Kyūshū. Holly is famously used for Christmas wreaths, but strictly speaking the Japanese holly olive is a different plant. The lush green thorny leaves look to be the same variety, though.

Apparently this holly olive, or ひいらぎ, was so named from the fact that on touching one of its sharp leaves, your finger hurts. There is a theory that the root of the name lies in the ancient verb 疼らく (ひいらく), which is equivalent to the modern Japanese ひりひり痛む, or “a prickling, stinging pain”.

Furthermore, in Japan there is the custom on the day of Setsubun (a holiday celebrating the end of winter) of sticking a sprig of holly olive through the head of いわし (pilchards) and fastening them to the doorway of the house. This is in accordance with the legend that demons hate the sharp thorns of the holly olive and the stink of the fish, and will disperse on being confronted with these.

Incidentally,  if you combine 木 (tree) and 春 (spring), you get 椿 (the common camellia flower) which is read つばき.

Furthermore, if you write 夏 (summer) on the right hand side of 木 (tree), you get 榎 (えのき, or Japanese hackberry).

So what if we combine 木 (tree) and 秋 (autumn)?  We get 楸(ひ さぎ, or yellow catalpa), but as this is not one of the 1,945 kanji in common use, most people have probably never seen it before.

So that concludes your introduction to four kanji which use the characters for the four seasons on their right-hand side.