Learn Japanese Kanji – Everyday Kanji (Filling Out Forms at the Bank)

Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we’re going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at JapanesePod101.com. That’s right – kanji seen and used everyday!

The theme for this week is kanji found on forms at the bank. Let’s take a look!

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ①

お引き出し (o-hikidashi) = withdrawal

This is the form to fill out when you want to make a withdrawal at the bank. The verb 引き出します (hikidashimasu) means to take out, so the word for withdrawal is simply the masu stem of this verb (the verb without masu) with the honorific prefix お added at the beginning.

お引き出し (o-hikidashi) = withdrawal
●引 (hi(ki)) = to pull
●出 (da(shi)) = to take out

金額 (kingaku) = amount of money
● 金 (kin) = gold, money
● 額 (gaku) = amount, sum

● 様 (sama) = name polite suffix (especially used towards customers)

Sample Sentence:
Jikangai no o-kane no hikidashi wa, tesūryō ga kakaru.
There is a handling fee for withdrawals made after hours.

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ②

お預け入れ (o-azuke ire) = deposit

This is the form to fill out when you want to make a deposit at the bank. The verb 預け入れます (azukeiremasu) means to make a deposit, so the word for deposit is simply the masu stem of this verb (the verb without masu) with the honorific prefix お added at the beginning.

お預け入れ (o-azuke ire) = deposit
● 預 (azu(ke)) = deposit
● 入 (i(re)) = insert

店番号 (mise bangō) = store code
● 店 (mise) = store
番号 (bangō) = number
● 番 (ban) = turn
● 号 (gō) = number

口座番号 (kōza bangō) = account number
口座 (kōza) = account
● 口 (kō) = mouth
● 座 (za) = seat

Sample Sentence:
Jūhachiji mae no yokin no azukeire wa, tesūryō wa muryō desu.
There is no handling fee for deposits made before 6:00 p.m.

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ③

お振り込み (o-furikomi) = transfer funds

This is the form to fill out when you want to transfer funds from one account to another at the bank. The verb 振り込みます(furikomimasu) means to make a deposit, so the word for transferring funds is simply the masu stem of this verb (the verb without masu) with the honorific prefix お added at the beginning.

お振り込み (o-furikomi) = transfer funds
● 振 (fu(ri)) = shake
● 込 (ko(mi)) = include

お受取人 (o-uketori nin) = person receiving funds
● 受 (uke) = accept
● 取 (to(ri)) = take
● 人 (nin) = person

ご依頼人 (go-irai nin) = person sending funds (lit. person making the request)
依頼 (irai) = request
● 依 (i) = depend on
● 頼 (rai) = request

● 人 (nin) = person

Sample Sentence:
Ashita no jūni-ji made ni, boku no kōza ni sanjūman en furikonde!!
Deposit 300,000 yen into my bank account before 12 noon tomorrow!!

*Be wary if you somene don’t know tells you this on the phone!*

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ④

両替依頼書 (ryōgae iraisho) = money exchange form

This is the form to fill out when you want to exchange money at the bank. The word 両替 (ryōgae) is “exchanging money”, the word 依頼 (irai) means “request”, and the kanji 書 means “form” here.

両替依頼書 (ryōgae iraisho) = money exchange form

両替 (ryōgae) = exchange money
● 両 (ryō) = both
● 替 (gae) = change
依頼 (irai) = request
● 依 (i) = depend on
● 頼 (rai) = request

書 (sho) = form
● 書 (sho) = form

紙幣 (shihei) = paper bills
● 紙 (shi) = paper
● 幣 (hei) = cash

硬貨 (kōka) = coins
硬 (kō) = hard
貨 (ka) = treasure

Sample Sentence:
Kūkō de, amerika doru kara nihon en ni ryōgae o o-negai shita.
I requested to have American dollars exchanged into Japanese yen at the airport.

Everyday Kanji week 21 - Filling Out Forms at the Bank ⑤

預金口座振替依頼書 (yokin kōza furikae iraisho) = Application for Automatic Payments

This sheet is an application form for automatic payments, which are payments for bills automatically deducted from your savings account every month. These payments can be for your utility bills such as your electric bill, gas bill, phone bill, etc. This system is very convenient since you never have to worry about forgetting to pay your bills.
Here we have a very long string of words put together: 預金 (savings) 口座 (account) 振替 (transfer) 依頼 (request) 書 (form).

預金 (yokin) = savings
● 預 (yo) = deposit
● 金 (kin) = money

口座 (kōza) = account
● 口 (kō) = mouth
● 座 (za) = sit

振替 (furikae) = transfer
● 振 (furi) = shake
● 替 (kae) = change

依頼 (irai) = request
● 依 (i) = depend on
● 頼 (rai) = request

書 (sho) = form
● 書 (sho) = form

預金口座 (yokin kōza) = savings account
預金 (yokin) = savings
口座 (kōza) = account

お届け印 (o-todoke-in) = personal seal
●届 (todo(ku)) = reach
●印 (in) = stamp, seal

Sample Sentence:
Sono ginkō wa hyōban ga yokunai node, yokin kōza o kaiyaku shita.
That bank doesn’t have a very good reputation, so I cancelled my savings account with them.

★ If you think you can remember them all, try testing yourself with this video on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GpnKHqE_Z4
★ Follow us on Twitter for future Everyday Kanji series!