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Advanced Japanese Lesson: 語呂合わせ(goroawase)



特に、歴史の年号を覚えるときにはこのような覚え方が威力を発揮します。日本史の年号で最も有名なのは、鎌倉幕府成立の年とされる「1192年」。これは、「いいくに」と読めるため「いいくに 作ろう 鎌倉幕府」と関連付けた文章と共に暗記しやすいからです。

2の平方根√2は1.41421356…ですが、数字の並んでいる通り、左から順番に暗記しようと思っても容易ではありません。しかし、「ひとよ ひとよに ひとみごろ(一夜 一夜に 人 見頃)」と読み換えれば9個の数字を簡単に覚えることができます。



In order to make an appointment at the dentist, I looked at the patient registration card and saw the phone number 37-6480.  This number is easy for Japanese people to remember.  This is because it can be read as minna mushiba zero  or zero cavities for everyone.

Japanese numbers can not only be read as ichi, ni san… but also as hi (hitotsu), fu (futatsu), mi (mittsu)… If you arrange this so that it can be read in a certain way, then replace the sounds with numbers, the association between numbers and ideas make memorization even simpler.

This is especially effective when remembering historical dates.  The year 1192, when the Kamakura Shogunate was established, is one of the most famous examples.  The year can be read as iikuni or good country, which is associated with the phrase ‘let’s build a good country, Kamakura Shogunate’ making it even easier to memorize.

The square root of 2 is 1.41421356… which is not an easy number to remember.  However, if you read it as hitoyo hitoyo hitomigoro or one night, one night is a chance to see somebody, it is less difficult to remember the nine digits.

This way of reading is called goroawase. Goro means the rhythm of words or sentences in succession.  By combining words rhythmically, a string of ordinary numbers can be memorized along with an interesting meaning, and can even be used for an advertisement .