In autumn, the “秋祭り” autumn festival is held in order to give thanks to the gods by offering fruits and vegetables that were harvested that year.
Let’s take a look at the kanji “祭”. The top left section which is similar to “月” (moon) actually symbolizes “肉” (meat). The “又” again symbolizes “手” (hand). The “示” at the bottom represents a place of worship, and when these are put together, “祭” means “cleaning the impure meat and offering it to the gods”.
The “示” has also evolved to “ネ” in many cases and can be seen in many different kanji. “社 yashiro or firm”, “福 fuku or luck”, “祈 ino+ru or pray” are just a few examples of the many that exist.
“社” represents the place where the god of a certain area is.
“福” represents richness from the gods’ blessings.
“祈” represents prayers said in order to reach a desire, and “祝” represents informing the gods of something good.
In other words, “ネ” symbolizes a connection to the gods. (It is also used in the symbol to represent god “神”.)
This “ネ” originated from “示 shime+su or indicate” therefore it is called shimesuhen.
The symbol “禍 wazawai or curse” is used when you are being punished by the gods for a bad deed, and the symbol “禁kin+jiru or forbid” comes from the gods placing groves around themselves so that others were prohibited from entering.
Since it is said that there are myriad of gods in Japan, the Japanese see gods in surrounding objects and phenomenon. That is why many kanji contain the symbols “示” and “ネ”.