Hi everyone!
Welcome to Everyday Kanji! In this series, we’re going to present pictures of kanji seen in various places in Japan taken by the team members at JapanesePod101.com. That’s right – kanji seen and used everyday!
In this blog and on Twitter we’ll be presenting pictures with kanji based on a theme, such as kanji seen on road signs, shop signs, restaurant menus, product packaging, and lots more! You can also see the kanji pictures everyday on Twitter if you follow us! We’ll be changing the theme of the pictures every week.
Our first Everyday Kanji theme for the first week is kanji seen at restaurants!
① やけど注意:Seen on a hot water pot at a sushi shop. It literally means “Be careful not to burn yourself.” 注意(chūi) means “caution, attention.”
やけど (yakedo) = burn injury
注意 (chūi) means “caution, attention.”
– 注・chuu = concentrate on, annotation
– 意・i = thought, care
② 炭焼ステーキ: At a steak restaurant:charcoal-grilled steak. 炭(sumi) means “charcoal” and 焼(yaki) means “cooking.”
炭焼・sumi yaki = charcoal-grilled
– 炭・sumi = charcoal
– 焼・yaki = cooking
ステーキ・sutēki = steak
③ 美味しい食べ方:美味しい means “delicious” and 食べ方 means “how to eat.” Instruction for eating Chinese noodles.
美味しい・oi shii = tasty, delicious
– 美・bi = beauty
– 味・mi = flavor, taste
食べ方・ta be kata = how to eat
– 食・ta = meal, food, diet
– 方・kata = direction, way
熱い・atsu i = hot
お酢・o su = vinegar
油・abura = oil
初めて・haji mete = first time
並盛り・nami mo ri = nomal serving of food
大盛り・oo mo ri = large serving of food
④ ご予約承ります:予約(yoyaku) means “reservation.” This restaurant sign means “we accept reservations”.
“予約・yoyaku” = reservation
– 予・yo = over, more than
– 約・yaku = approximately, about
“承ります・uketamawa rimasu”= to accept, to receive, to hear
⑤ お好みの焼き加減:This means “cooked the way you like it”. From a menu at a steak restaurant.
“お好み・okonomi” = choice, preference
– 好・kono = like something
“焼き・yaki” = cooking, to base, to grill
“加減・ka gen” = condition, adjustment, extent
– 加・ka = addition, increase
– 減・gen = reduction
If you think you can remember them all, try testing yourself with this video on Youtube!
Follow us on Twitter for future Everyday Kanji series!