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Advanced Japanese Lesson – 赤い色(The Color Red)

「隣の花は赤い」ということわざを知っていますか? これは、「他人のものは何でも素晴らしく見えて、羨ましく思うこと」です。同じ意味で「隣の芝は青い」ということわざもありますね。

さて、なぜ隣の家に咲いている花は「赤い」のでしょうか? 白や黄色の花だってあるのに、わざわざ「赤」という色を選んでことわざに用いているのには、何か理由があるのでしょうか。



ところで、あなたの国の子どもたちは太陽を絵に表わすとき、何色を使いますか? 日本の子どもたちはほぼ全員が赤色を用います。日本の国旗も、白地に赤い丸の「日の丸」ですね。このように、「赤」という色は日本では特別な色なのです。


Have any of you ever heard the old saying “the flowers next door are red”? This means, “the things that others have always look better and make people envious.” There’s also the saying “the grass is always greener” which means the same thing.

So, why would the flowers next door be ‘red’? Flowers also come in white and yellow, so why would this proverb go out of its way to use the color red in particular? Could this have some kind of special meaning?

For Japanese people, the color red is a ‘splendid’ color that stands for happiness and auspicious occasions. That is why the colors white and red are used at celebrations like weddings. Kohaku manjuu (red and white buns) are often used as celebratory souvenirs. Many of you may also know about the annual singing contest held on new years eve called “Kouhaku Utagassen” (Lit. ‘Red and White Singing Battle’).

The first kanji character from “Kohuaku” (also read as “kurenai”)  is used to describe a bright red or crimson color. Other kanji used to describe the color red are “Shu” (yellow tinged red), “Ni” (brownish red) and “Hi” (deep red).

By the way, when children from your country draw pictures of the sun, what color do they use? Nearly every Japanese child uses the color red. Even the Japanese national flag or “Hinomaru” is a red circle on a plain white background. As you can see, the color red is a very special one in Japan.