Kanji Scrabble #03: Have Fun Learning with Kanji Scrabble: a Kanji Game Just for Twitter!

Time for another Kanji Scrabble this week.  First off, our apologies for a post later in the week due to the Japan exclusive holiday “Golden Week” (found out more in our Culture Class #15 lesson

The Kanji for this week are as follows: (Remember, each compound must use the Kanji in the brackets [ ].)

Kanji Scrabble #03 [月] 間、先、九、大、中、立、毎、見、長、火 (Learn How to Play Here)

Answers posted tomorrow morning at 10am Tokyo time! Next week’s will begin on Thursday like usual.
@Hint: Starting this week, not all Kanji in the list this week will be used to help keep this interesting 😉 簡単すぎるゲームだったら、おもしろくないでしょう?
Kanji Scrabble, a JapanesePod101.com original game. (Learn How to Play Here)
To start, all you need is a Twitter account and to follow our Twitter account @japanesepod101 (What’s Twitter you ask? Read our guide here.)

We’re waiting for your tweets and blog comments!

Kanji Kana English Meaning
九月 くがつ (n-adv) September
先先月 せんせんげつ (n-t) month before last
先月 せんげつ (n-adv,n-t) last month
がつ (n-suf) month (of the year)/used after number or question word (e.g. nan or nani)
月中 がつちゅう (n-suf) (for the) whole month
月月 つきづき (n-adv,n-t) every month
月火 げつか (n) (abbr) Monday and Tuesday
月立 つきたち (n) (1) (arch) first day of the month(2) first ten days of the lunar month
月見 つきみ (n) viewing the moon
月間 げっかん (n,adj-f) month-long period/(during) month
毎月 まいげつ (n-adv,n) every month/each month/monthly
長月 ながつき (n) (obs) ninth month of the lunar calendar