Watch YouTube Videos INSIDE Twitter!? You won’t believe this!

Today I came across VidTweeter, an awesome idea that let’s you watch YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos inside Twitter! Below is a snapshot of  our setup. Total time invested, 5 minutes.

YouTube in Twitter

How cool is this?

Actually, it’s pretty amazing.

First, it’s super easy. Seriously, a 2-minute tutorial follow up blog entry will explain.
Although, it’s really not needed.

All you need is a Twitter account and a link to some content on YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion.
We used content from our JapanesePod101 YouTube account and JapanesePod101 Twitter account.

To get going, simply go to and follow the instructions.

Second, you can share any video, not just your own. So a Tweet like:
I’m watching a video

Would take you to the screenshot above.

Third, coordinating tweets with rich videos can help you share a much more effective message.

@NOTE: You must click the link to see the video. Without clicking the link, the video won’t appear.

To see VidTweeter in action, check out our JapanesePod101 Twitter account (and Follow Us 🙂 )

Thank you to the creator Kevin Sherman. Follow him on Twitter here.
Okay, time to create the quick tutorial, and then it’s back to the VidTweeter Laboratory.