How to Play All Types Of Videos On Your Twitter Page – VidTweeter Tutorial

Today I came across VidTweeter, by Kevin Sherman. This is an awesome idea that lets you watch YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos on Twitter’s website! Below is a snapshot of  our setup. Total time invested, 5 minutes.

YouTube in Twitter

Here is a quick tutorial. Hope it helps.

What you need: 

All you need is a Twitter account and a link to some content on YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion.
We used content from our JapanesePod101 YouTube account and JapanesePod101 Twitter account.

Step 1. Go to VidTweeter

Step 2. Enter you Twitter Account Info, and select the Video site of the URL you will use. (We used YouTube)

VidTweeter Tutorial 1

Step 3. Paste in the URL you wish to share.

VidTweeter Tutorial 2

 Step 4. Get a preview of your page with the video on it by clicking “test it now” or get ready to tweet it by clicking “tweet it now.”
Click “test it now,” and the video you chose overlaid on your Twitter page.
Click “Tweet it Now,” and you go to Step 5.

VidTweeter Tutorial 3

Step 5. Press update, and share the video with the people following you. You can of course change the message before sharing.
VidTweeter Tutorial 4
What does it look like? Here is a visual of the previous post. Click here to see it action.

VidTweeter Tutorial 5
@NOTE: You must click the link to see the video. Without clicking the link, the video won’t appear.

Thank you to the creator Kevin Sherman. Follow him on Twitter here.